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Pora zaprojektować i otworzyć najbardziej uroczy sklepik w mieście! Mini Market Design jest już dostępny na konsolach Nintendo Switch!

Spróbuj swoich sił jako właściciel wymarzonego sklepu! Od podstaw zaaranżuj i udekoruj wnętrze, wyposaż je w niezbędne meble, by wkrótce móc powitać pierwszych klientów! Mini Market Design jest już dostępny dla graczy Nintendo Switch.


😍 Twój wymarzony sklepik na Nintendo Switch już czeka! 😍

Witamy w Mini Market Design, miejscu, gdzie stworzysz i otworzysz swój uroczy sklepik! Dostosuj każdy szczegół, od układu i wzorów ścian po podłogi i meble. Udekoruj wnętrze, aby podkreślić swój niepowtarzalny styl.

A gdy wszystko będzie idealnie przygotowane, otwórz drzwi dla swoich pierwszych klientów i doświadcz radości z prowadzenia własnego marketu!

Obejrzyj zwiastun

Mini Market Design to sandboxowa gra o dekorowaniu i projektowaniu, w której gracze aranżują niepowtarzalny sklep. Za pomocą odrobiny artystycznego talentu i nieco bardziej analitycznych umiejętności organizowania przestrzeni sklepowej gracze wykreują pełne uroku przestrzenie sklepowe, które z pewnością, sami z chęcią by odwiedzili!

Wystarczy wybrać jeden z 8 dostępnych układów sklepu, aby rozpocząć aranżacyjną zabawę! Do wyboru będzie aż 9 rodzajów podłóg i nawet 18 wzorów ścian (a nowe wkrótce pojawią się w DLC!). 

Ale to dopiero początek, bo choć przestrzeń nabiera już charakteru, to wciąż jest pusta, a gracze muszą wypełnić ją ekspozycjami! I tu zaczyna się prawdziwa frajda! Bowiem do wybierania i przebierania będzie ponad 500 sklepowych mebli i dekoracji!

A gdy wszystko będzie idealnie zaaranżowane i gotowe, nadejdzie czas na wielkie otwarcie i powitanie klientów.

Na spragnionych dodatkowych dekoratorskich wrażeń dostępna jest również przygoda z My Cozy Room, w której wyjątkowego wnętrza potrzebuje wymarzony dom! 

Mini Market Design jest już dostępny w Nintendo eShop na całym świecie!

Materiały prasowe do Mini Market Design dostępne są TUTAJ.


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O RedDeer.Games
RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest wydawcą i producentem niezależnych gier wideo od 2019. Według „Forbesa”, RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier, a także został nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Portfolio RDG składa się z ponad 80 oryginalnych tytułów indie, a wśród nich znajdują się między innymi  Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead  Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, a także gry z licencji  The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh i  Zły. RDG wydaje gry na największych platformach dystrybucyjnych — Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation i iOS. W planach na 2024 rok RedDeer.Games ma wydanie gier  Pilo and the Holobook i  I See Red na konsolę Nintendo Switch. 


It’s time to design and open the most charming store in town! Mini Market Design is now on Nintendo Switch consoles!

Try your hand as the owner of your dream store! Arrange and decorate the interior from scratch, equip it with the necessary furnishings to soon be able to welcome the first customers! Mini Market Design is now available for Nintendo Switch players.

😍 Your dream store on Nintendo Switch is already waiting! 😍

Welcome to Mini Market Design, where you can create and open your very own charming little store!

Customize every detail, from the layout and wall designs to the flooring and furnishings. Decorate the interior to reflect your unique style and add the perfect finishing touches.

Once everything is perfectly prepared, open your doors to your first customers and experience the joy of running your own delightful market!

Watch trailer

Mini Market Design is a sandbox decoration and design game in which players create a unique store experience. They create a cute place full of charm using their artistic flair and slightly more analytical – store space organizing skills.

Just choose one of the 8 available market layouts to start the design fun! There will be as many as 9 types of floors and up to 18 wall patterns to choose from (and new ones will soon appear on DLC!).

But that’s just the beginning, because even though the space is already taking on a character, it’s still empty, and players must fill it with displays! That’s where the real fun begins! For here there will be more than 500 store furniture and decorations to browse, choose and match!

When everything is perfectly arranged and ready, the time will come for the grand opening and welcoming of customers.

For those eager for more decorating thrills, My Cozy Room adventure is awaiting, where a dream home needs you to arrange a unique interior.

Mini Market Design is available now on the Nintendo eShop worldwide!

Find assets to Mini Market Design here.


If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit our social media:





More information and review opportunities



About RedDeer.Games
Since 2019, RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent developer and publisher of video games. According to “Forbes”, RDG is ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers and has been awarded one of „The Fastest Growing Gamedev Companies in Central Europe”. RDG’s portfolio contains over 80 unique indie titles, some of which are Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead, and Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, alongside franchises like The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh, as well as The Evil One. RDG releases games on key distribution platforms like Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and iOS. When it comes to plans for 2024, RedDeer.Games will publish Pilo and the Holobook and I See Red on Nintendo Switch console.

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Zaprojektuj swój niepowtarzalny mini sklepik! Mini Market Design zmierza na konsole Nintendo Switch

Czy kiedykolwiek myślałeś o własnym niewielkim markecie? Jeśli tak, to możesz powoli zakasywać rękawy, bo Twój wymarzony lokal tylko czeka na przepiękny wystrój wnętrza i oczywiście przyszłych klientów! Mini Market Design – najnowsza produkcja na Nintendo Switch, wprost od RedDeer.Games już 21 stycznia wystawi na próbę Twoje umiejętności organizacji i projektowania przytulnych wnętrz!

Wybierz rodzaj sklepu i jego układ, dopasuj dekoracje i odpowiednie meble do ekspozycji, wypełnij go artykułami i powitaj swoich klientów!

Zanurz się w odprężającym, sandboxowym świecie Mini Market Design i przekonaj się, czy poradzisz sobie z niełatwą aranżacją przestrzeni sklepowej.

Obejrzyj zwiastun

Wykorzystaj swoje artystyczne i aranżacyjne umiejętności, aby stworzyć idealne sklepowe wnętrze, które klienci zapamiętają na długo. Wybieraj spośród 8 dostępnych planów, dobierając do nich podłogi i ściany, które odpowiadają Twojej wizji. W końcu to Ty jesteś tutaj projektantem!

Rozplanuj wyposażenie wnętrza i zaaranżuj ekspozycję, korzystając z ponad 500 mebli i dodających niepowtarzalnego charakteru dekoracji. Market spożywczy, muzyczny czy modowy? A może każdy z nich?

Tych, którzy z niecierpliwością czekają na dekoratorskie emocje, zapraszamy na przygodę w My Cozy Room, gdzie tym razem na aranżację czeka wymarzony dom.

Mini Market Design będzie dostępny na konsoli Nintendo Switch już 21 stycznia!

Materiały prasowe do Mini Market Design dostępne są TUTAJ.


Więcej ekscytujących informacji o grach RedDeer.Games można znaleźć na:


Oficjalnej stronie



Bezpośredni kontakt z działem PR


O RedDeer.Games
RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest wydawcą i producentem niezależnych gier wideo od 2019. Według „Forbesa”, RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier, a także został nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Portfolio RDG składa się z ponad 80 oryginalnych tytułów indie, a wśród nich znajdują się między innymi  Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead  Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, a także gry z licencji  The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh i  Zły. RDG wydaje gry na największych platformach dystrybucyjnych — Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation i iOS. W planach na 2024 rok RedDeer.Games ma wydanie gier  Pilo and the Holobook i  I See Red na konsolę Nintendo Switch. 


Create your very own cutest store nook! Mini Market Design is heading to Nintendo Switch consoles

Have you ever thought about your own small store business? If so, you can slowly start rolling up your sleeves, because your dream store is waiting for a gorgeous interior design and, of course, future customers! The latest cozy production straight from RedDeer.Games – Mini Market Design will invite you on January 21 to join the fun on Nintendo Switch to test your organizational and design skills.

Choose the type of store and its layout, select decorations and the right furniture for display, fill it with articles and welcome your customers!

Dive into the relaxing, sandbox world of Mini Market Design and see how you can handle the not-so-easy arrangement of a storefront.

Watch trailer

Use your artistic and arranging skills, to create the perfect shopping experience that customers will remember for a long time. Choose from 8 available layouts, matching them with floors and walls that speak to your vision. After all, you are the designer here!

Plan the layout of the interior, and arrange the display using over 500 pieces of furniture and character-giving decorations. A grocery, music or fashion market? How about each of them?

For those eagerly anticipating decorating thrills, My Cozy Room adventure is awaiting, where a dream home needs you to arrange a unique interior.

Mini Market Design will be available on the Nintendo Switch console on January 21!

Find assets to Mini Market Design here.


If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit our social media:





More information and review opportunities


About RedDeer.Games
Since 2019, RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent developer and publisher of video games. According to “Forbes”, RDG is ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers and has been awarded one of „The Fastest Growing Gamedev Companies in Central Europe”. RDG’s portfolio contains over 80 unique indie titles, some of which are Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead, and Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, alongside franchises like The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh, as well as The Evil One. RDG releases games on key distribution platforms like Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and iOS. When it comes to plans for 2024, RedDeer.Games will publish Pilo and the Holobook and I See Red on Nintendo Switch console.


„My Cozy Room” Becomes a Hit on Nintendo Switch 

RedDeer.Games is thrilled to announce that My Cozy Room has secured its place among the best-selling games on Nintendo Switch, capturing the hearts of players with its relaxing and creative gameplay. This achievement underscores the growing popularity of the cozy games genre and its ability to connect deeply with diverse audiences.

Available on Nintendo Switch

About My Cozy Room

My Cozy Room is a charming sandbox game that invites players to design and decorate their dream spaces. Whether it’s a cozy bedroom, a stylish kitchen, or a playful kids’ room, the game provides the tools and freedom to unleash creativity.

Key features include:

  • 11 unique room layouts to customize.
  • 500+ furniture and decoration items to mix and match.
  • 30+ wallpaper and flooring patterns for endless personalization.
  • A focus on relaxing gameplay that encourages creativity without pressure.

The game’s intuitive interface and warm aesthetic have made it a favorite among players of all ages, from casual gamers to seasoned enthusiasts of design and sandbox genres.


Why Cozy Games Are Booming

The cozy games segment has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven by players seeking relaxation, creativity, and escape from daily stressors. Games like My Cozy Room resonate because they emphasize calmness over competition, fostering a sense of accomplishment without deadlines or failure.

“As the demand for cozy gaming grows, My Cozy Room stands out by offering a uniquely customizable experience,” said Michał Lisiecki, CEO of RedDeer.Games. “It’s more than a game—it’s a canvas for creativity and self-expression.”

Why It Matters to the Industry

The rise of My Cozy Room demonstrates that innovative, feel-good gaming experiences can capture the market and build lasting connections with players. It also shows the potential of smaller titles to achieve global recognition when they resonate with current trends and player needs.

Join the Cozy Revolution
Journalists, bloggers, and game industry professionals are invited to share the success story of My Cozy Room. Explore the world of cozy gaming and see why this genre is here to stay.



If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit our social media:





More information and review opportunities



Since 2019, RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent developer and publisher of video games. According to “Forbes”, RDG is ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers and has been awarded one of „The Fastest Growing Gamedev Companies in Central Europe”. RDG’s portfolio contains over 80 unique indie titles, some of which are Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead, and Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, alongside franchises like The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh, as well as The Evil One. RDG releases games on key distribution platforms like Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and iOS. When it comes to plans for 2024, RedDeer.Games will publish Pilo and the Holobook and I See Red on Nintendo Switch console.



The most commented, popular and most-played Switch app around the world just gets its sequel!

AAA Clock 2 is coming to Nintendo Switch consoles!

The big premiere will take place on November 4

RedDeer.Games knows about it, and that’s why it has long been working on the continuation of the hit application to satisfy loyal fans and players. 



In a world where most clocks are either boring or colourless, AAA Clock 2 is going to change everything. 

This autumn AAA Clock will prove once again that sequels can be just as extraordinary as the originals. Customize your clock and set up alarms in this engaging clock experience.

There is more! Sink into the built-in platformer game Jelly&Vulca. A continuation of the game first introduced in the original AAA Clock. Customize your character and set out on an epic adventure.

– Tells time!
– Setting alarms
– Great for any ages
– Brilliant design
– Cute platformer game included!
– Customization

Your favourite Jelly or Vulca character on the clock face.
Change the skin colour of the clock or character colour to whatever you like with another DLC!

If you do not know our first watch yet, or you want to learn more about AAA Clock, you can catch up on your knowledge in NEWS and ESHOP


EU version
US version


RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 



The most anticipated release of the end of the year – AAA Clock Deluxe Edition – has arrived at Nintendo eShop! All owners of new DLCs for AAA Clock will get a surprise game for FREE!

AAA Clock, which has been recently featured by Nintendo as one of the most played apps of December on Nintendo Switch, is back! 

From TODAY, December 27, players can download AAA Clock Deluxe Edition and 3 DLCs: Squid Clock, Cyber Clock, and Spin Clock.

AAA Clock – Nintendo eShop

But there is more! Every owner of any of the DLCs will be able to download the game from the RedDeer.games catalogue 
for free.

Check out the AAA Clock Unofficial Trailer by Defender833 on YouTube:

Enter the new year with a bang! A completely insane new look of your Switch will add fire and strength for the time ahead! Have you already chosen your favourite face watch?

AAA Clock: photos


Which children’s game was your favorite? Whatever your answer is, this might be your favorite version of the watch. 

Squid Clock – screenshots and cover 


Beautiful, stylish, round. This is the Spin Clock.
Spin Clock – screenshots and cover


Tribute to Cyber Protocol game. Amazing graphics, and a huge amount of cool animations. That all crowned with extraordinary 8-bit game soundtracks (would you guess how to unlock them?) to make the passing time even more pleasant.

Cyber Clock – screenshots and cover


AAA Clock Deluxe Edition will allow you to check up to two skins: a basic flip clock and Squid Clock. 

On the occasion of the launch of a new version of one of the most popular applications for Nintendo Switch, a special price was announced.

To help you count down to midnight on December 31, 2021, the AAA Clock Deluxe Edition is available at a discounted price of 1.99 $ / €.

Each version of the clock has all the features you loved about the basic AAA Clock: it properly shows the time, has many different colour variations, and you can set an alarm. 

Every owner of any of the DLCs just released will receive a gift. All you need to do is to have any DLC (Spin Clock, Squid Clock or Cyber Clock) installed to unlock the option to download the full version of the game on Nintendo Switch for free on February 2, 2022.

The title of the game will be revealed that day on RedDeer.games Twitter account.

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

The official AAA Clock trailer is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_q2KJcAOB2A

EU version
US version

For more information on AAA Clock Deluxe, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Comic Coloring Book, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Little Bug, Trash Quest and AAA Clock. 

Currently, the company is working on the science fiction game Time Hole, and the comic, humorous platformer 7 Horizons. We also announced two games in the universe of the beloved comic „Kayko and Kokosh”.

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.


AAA Clock, one of the „most played” Switch apps according to Nintendo, is back. 3 DLCs and Deluxe Edition soon in America and Europe!

AAA Clock has just been ranked alongside Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Shin Megami Tensei V in the new, „Most Played” section of the US Nintendo eShop, where you’ll find apps with the average longest playing time in the past two weeks.

AAA Clock – Nintendo eShop

Just after Christmas, there will be another great opportunity to download AAA Clock,  the first and only watch for Nintendo Switch. RedDeer.games is excited to announce that on December 27, 3 DLCs and Deluxe Edition will be released in America and Europe.

Check out the AAA Clock trailer on YouTube:  

Imagine such a situation. It’s December 31, 2021, your house party is in full swing, all your friends are having a great time.

It’s approaching midnight so you grab your Switch, swing your hand high up… and with the all-new AAA Clock on, start the countdown. This evening couldn’t have been more enjoyable!

What better way to measure New Year’s Eve until midnight than by AAA Clock?

AAA Clock: photos

New „skins” available as DLCs were designed by talented artists after listening to the voices of players. These new clock faces will allow Nintendo Switch owners to express themselves even more and completely change their home space.

Oh, and there are HIDDEN SURPRISES, but  – you have to discover them by yourself.

Each new skin has all the features you loved about the basic AAA Clock: it properly shows the time, has many different colour variations, and you can set an alarm.

Something for fans of pixels and geometric figures. Will you find a way to discover the hidden squid?

Squid Clock – screenshots and cover 

A circle is a perfect shape – sun, earth (we hope), moon. The cosmos has long hinted at the perfection of this figure! That is why we focused on going around the circle when designing this clock.

 Spin Clock – screenshots and cover
Watch face with a futuristic vibe features the beautiful art of android G0X6. Cyber Clock is full of cool animations that will make your passing minutes more enjoyable. Additionally, there is a music player that will keep you counting down with 8-bit soundtracks from Cyber Protocol.

Cyber Clock – screenshots and cover

AAA Clock Deluxe Edition will allow you to check up to two skins: a basic flip clock and Squid Clock. Like the DLCs, it will be available in America and Europe on December 27 at a very attractive price that will be revealed soon.

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on AAA Clock Deluxe, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Comic Coloring Book, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia and AAA Clock. 

Currently, the company is working on the science fiction game Time Hole, and the comic, humorous platformer 7 Horizons. We also announced two games in the universe of the beloved comic „Kayko and Kokosh”.
Check out reddeer.games to learn more.


AAA Clock: a truly new quality watch for the Nintendo Switch™

RedDeer.games introduce the world’s only AAA Clock – a genuinely new quality watch for the Nintendo Switch™ console! This is without a doubt the best flip clock ever made. 

It will be available on October 7 in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong, and October 8 in North America, Europe and Australia.

Enjoy the new and reliable AAA Clock in your flat, on the terrace, or in the lobby – AAA Clock is your personal timepiece wherever you are.
Here it is, what all gamers have been waiting for.

Watch the trailer now on YouTube: 

AAA Clock features a simple, foolproof design. This innovative app can be used as a stylish desk accent color, but it also doubles as a useful reminder to set the alarm when you get off work.

AAA Clock is packed with a cool retro game, which you can play whenever you get bored. Grab your console, settle down on the couch, play a great game, and chill out!

AAA Clock offers full customization. You can turn on any color or enable color-sensing mode for your joy-cons. AAA Clock will be available for 1.99 $ / € at the launch (limited time offer), and later for the regular price of 9.99 $ / €.


  • Super production quality while incorporating classic clock mechanics 
  • A premium product for the demanding users 
  • HD Clock with full support for OLED technology  
  • The retro game included! Just play and relax 
  • Supported languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese.

RedDeer.games officially confirmed that the company is working on a sequel.

The Press kit (screenshots, photos, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

Watch the trailer on YouTube: 

For more information on AAA Clock, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique premium indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Comic Coloring Book, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves and Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia. 

Currently, the company is working on the science fiction horror game Time Hole, and the comic, humorous platformer 7 Horizons. We also announced two games in the universe of the beloved comic „Kayko and Kokosh”.
Check out reddeer.games to learn more.