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Uwaga wszyscy łowcy nagród! Dros obrał sobie nowy cel i zmierza na konsole Xbox!

Mały Dros Kapitan, nierozłączny duet z przygodowej platformówki Dros, rozpoczęli podbój konsoli Xbox. RedDeer.Games ogłosiło, że od 19 września posiadacze zielonej konsoli będą mieli szansę rzucić wyzwanie Złemu Alchemikowi i zakończyć jego okrutne rządy.


Wieża Alchemika – Maszyna – jest jak gigantyczny labirynt pełen niebezpieczeństw. Czy łowca nagród Kapitan, z pomocą niepozornego Małego Drosa, będzie w stanie ją pokonać i stanąć do walki ze Złym Alchemikiem?


W świecie, w którym Zły Alchemik, równie genialny, co bezwzględny, sięga po najwyższą władzę, naturalnie pojawia się ktoś, by rzucić mu wyzwanie. Los chciał, że w tym przypadku trafiło na dwójkę całkiem nietuzinkowych bohaterów.

Kapitan – łowca nagród, któremu chwilowo nie wiedzie się najlepiej, oraz Mały Dros – magiczny śluzowaty symbiont, stworzony przez nikogo innego jak Złego Alchemika. Ta dwójka, którą przeznaczenie postawiło na wspólnej ścieżce zupełnie niespodziewanie, prowadzona rękami graczy spróbuje zakończyć mroczną karierę Alchemika.

Wykorzystując na przemian magiczne moce Drosa, jak i szermiercze umiejętności kapitana, gracze będą mieli do pokonania 40 poziomów wieży, z których każdy jest całkowicie odmienny środowiskowo, ale wszystkie pełne sekretów, dziwnych stworzeń i zagadek. 

A na samym szczycie czekać będzie ostateczny pojedynek…

Dros będzie dostępny na konsolach Xbox 19 września. Grajest już dostępny na Nintendo Switch.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest wydawcą i producentem niezależnych gier wideo od 2019. Według „Forbesa”, RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier, a także został nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Portfolio RDG składa się z ponad 80 oryginalnych tytułów indie, a wśród nich znajdują się między innymi Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead i Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, a także gry z licencji The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh Zły. RDG wydaje gry na największych platformach dystrybucyjnych — Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation i iOS. W planach na 2024 rok RedDeer.Games ma wydanie gier Pilo and the Holobook  I See Red na konsolę Nintendo Switch, a także autorskiego projektu Cook For Love.


O emergeWorlds
emergeWorlds to małe studio indie z Brisbane w Australii. Ich celem jest tworzenie gier, które będą kochane przez kolejne generacje graczy dzięki zróżnicowanym stylom artystycznym, zachwycającym wątkom fabularnym oraz wyjątkowym mechanikom.



To all bounty hunters! Dros has set his sights on a new target and is heading to Xbox consoles!

Little Dros and the Captain, the inseparable duo from the adventurous platformer Dros, have begun their conquest of the Xbox console. RedDeer.Games announced that starting September 19, owners of the green console will have the chance to challenge the Evil Alchemist and end his cruel reign.


The Alchemist’s Tower – The Machine – is like a giant maze fraught with danger. Will the bounty hunter Captain, with the help of inconspicuous Little Dros, manage to traverse it all to fight the Evil Alchemist?


In a world where the Evil Alchemist, as brilliant as he is ruthless, reaches out for supreme power, someone naturally has to challenge him. Fate would have it that it fell on two uncommon heroes.

Captain – a bounty hunter, who is not doing well at the moment, and Little Dros – a magical slimy symbiote, created by none other than the Evil Alchemist. These two, who fate put on the same path completely unexpectedly, guided by the hands of the players will try to finish the Alchemist’s dark career.

Using alternately the magical powers of the Little Dros, as well as the fencing skills of the captain, players will have 40 levels of the tower to complete, each completely different in the environment, all packed with secrets, strange creatures, and riddles.

And at the very top, the ultimate duel awaits them…

Dros will be available on Xbox consoles on September 19. The game is also available on on the Nintendo Switch

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





Since 2019, RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent developer and publisher of video games. According to “Forbes”, RDG is ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers and has been awarded one of „The Fastest Growing Gamedev Companies in Central Europe”. RDG’s portfolio contains over 80 unique indie titles, some of which are Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead, and Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, alongside franchises like The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh, as well as The Evil One. RDG releases games on key distribution platforms like Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and iOS. When it comes to plans for 2024, RedDeer.Games will publish Pilo and the Holobook  and I See Red on Nintendo Switch console, as well as their own original project – Cook For Love.


ABOUT emergeWorlds
emergeWorlds is a small indie studio in Brisbane Australia. Their goal is to create games that players will love for generations. Games that feature original art styles, captivating stories and unique gameplay mechanics.



Project Downfall – futurystyczna strzelanka w stylu retro pojawi się na konsolach Nintendo Switch i Xbox w listopadzie

RedDeer.Games, niezależny deweloper i wydawca gier, przybliżył premierę wydania wyczekiwanego tytułu – Project Downfall, na konsole Nintendo Switch i Xbox. Dynamiczny FPS w stylu Hotline Miami będzie dostępny już w listopadzie, a gracze już niedługo będą mogli ponownie posmakować życia w mieście Crimson Tide.


Obejrzyj zwiastun Project Downfall

Project Downfall jest FPSem z pikselową grafiką, którego akcja rozgrywa się w cyberpunkowym świecie. To rzeczywistość pełna konfliktów, podobna do teraźniejszego świata. Gracze staną przed wyzwaniem, które przetestuje ich refleksy i myślenie w locie – dla nieuważnego każda walka może być wyzwaniem.

Gdy Unia Europejska traci grunt pod nogami, powstaje nowa siła na wschodzie kontynentu. By udowodnić, że Europa może istnieć w harmonii, powstaje pierwsze megamiasto.

Tym „wolnym” miastem jest Crimson Tide.

Gdzie korporacje mają nieograniczoną władzę, mieszkańcy są pod wpływem otumaniających leków – w taki sposób na ulicach jest spokój. Nie potrwa to długo…

Gracze wcielą się w rolę pracownika korporacji, który czuje się uprzywilejowany – ma własne mieszkanie, dobrą pracę i spokojne życie – czego chcieć więcej?

Gdy ma tak dużo, chce oddać trochę reszcie społeczeństwa… przez co sam wydaje brutalne sądy pod kurtyną nocy. To nowy bohater Crimson Tide, posiadający „supermoce” i zwalczający oprychów podających się za strażników prawa.

Fabuła Project Downfall jest nieliniowa i daje możliwość zdobycia 12 różnych zakończeń, które zależą od wyborów gracza. Oprócz wielu zakończeń, w grze występują także losowe wydarzenia i sekrety do odkrycia, które oferują więcej map do rozgrywki, a także bardziej zróżnicowany poziom trudności.


Project Downfall ukaże się na konsoli Nintendo Switch oraz Xbox. Daty premiery zostanie podana w późniejszym terminie. Gra jest obecnie dostępna na platformie Steam.



Więcej ekscytujących informacji dotyczących gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games można znaleźć na oficjalnej stronieFacebooku oraz Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt z działem PR: lucy@reddeer.games






RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O MGP Studios i Solid9
MGP Studios to zespół utalentowanych i zaangażowanych osób, które dążą do dominacji nad światem, opracowując i zapewniając po drodze niezapomniane wrażenia. Solid9 to ambitne studio tworzące gry, którego właścicielami są Sebastian Sztangierski i Dawid Członka. Ich celem jest tworzenie gier, w których można zauroczyć i zatracić się na długie godziny. Czerpiąc z bogatego dziedzictwa klasyków elektronicznej rozrywki, Solid9 przeciera szlaki dla zupełnie nowych rozwiązań technologicznych, które zapewnią rozrywkę w lepszy i bardziej angażujący sposób.



Grab your friends to fight with Cthulhu – Sacrifice Your Friends is available now on Xbox consoles!

RedDeer.Games, a notable developer and publisher of indie games, is excited to announce the release of Sacrifice Your Friends – a party multiplayer game set in a mystery-filled world inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. The game is available worldwide on Xbox consoles.

Watch the trailer Sacrifice Your Friends

Sacrifice Your Friends is an action-packed party brawler that supports up to 4 players in both single and arena modes. Set in a stylized, charming-horror style, the game features characters from the legendary Lovecraftian universe.

Players can choose from various characters and weapons to engage in frenzied battles in dynamic locations. In the world of Cthulhu, participants will develop their cult of Great Old Ones and strive to embrace the madness.

Featuring accessible yet challenging gameplay, a range of eldritch game modes, humorous character customizations, and a fresh, cartoonish interpretation of Lovecraft’s classic themes, Sacrifice Your Friends promises a laughter-filled and friendly rivalry-packed gathering with friends.

Sacrifice Your Friends is available for Xbox Series X|S.


Alongside the release, a variety of games from RDG’s portfolio is available from today with hot discounts of up to 85%. Among others, players will find Cyber ProtocolLittle BugTo Leaveand many others

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


ABOUT Arrowfist Games
Arrowfist Games is a small indie company based in Barcelona, formed by four members, with several years of experience in the videogame industry. Deflector is their first big project, a non-linear roguelike based on a bullet-deflecting combat mechanic and a unique skill combination system. They have been incubated on GameBCN, one of the biggest video game incubators in Barcelona, where they have been working on the demo of Deflector for 6 months.



Stunning, inspiring puzzle-platformer that blurs genre boundaries.

To Leave is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox

To Leave is a unique adventure game, set in a fascinating world. There is only one goal. Help a suffering boy known as Harm, in overcoming his past. 

To Leave is the last work of one of its authors, Freaky Creations’ creative director, Estefano Palacios who passed away last year. 

In the memory of Estefano Palacios
Estefano Palacios started programming video games at the age of 14. It was then that he met his longtime colleague Jorge Blacio (Freaky Creations’ current producer) with whom he made his first game project World of Mathematica.

The need to create games was so strong in him that he gave up his computer studies in the last year, and together with Jorge founded Freaky Creations.

The studio’s largest project to date, To Leave, which has exceeded the expectations of its creators, is also a life project of Estefano. Console releases are dedicated to him.


To Leave features challenging puzzle-platformer levels that will test your puzzle-solving skills through an emotionally gripping story.

Soar through over 80 gorgeously designed maps by using Harm’s „flying door”. It’s your pathway and only means of transport. Remember! They are very fragile and need to be treated with utmost care.

Travel through the Dark Void. Discover hidden meanings and symbolism weaved into the gameplay. Challenge yourself and understand the heartbreaking truth about Harm.

-Hand-drawn backgrounds
-Captivating story
-Unique travel mechanics
-80 levels
-Incredible music track


Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version


RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Freaky Creations is a game development studio based in Guayaquil, Ecuador that wishes to create digital talismans that will transport players to enlightening experiences.

To Leave, their first game is an ambitious title that looks to explore a variety of mental illnesses.



A delightful cat hero, a magical world, battles, and secrets. And it’s all 1-bit!

UnderDungeon is coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PC!

Admit that you have been waiting for it: a cat in the main role, a pack of good humour, dynamic fights and defeating strong bosses, and… again a lot of good humour!

RedDeer.Games will provide all this in their next production – UnderDungeon. The game is headed for PC and consoles later this year. 

Watch the new trailer NOW: https://youtu.be/RHdembheKdI

Become the deadliest delivery… cat in the world. Intense fights, multiple weapons, and demanding boss fights.

Join Kimuto on his hardest first day on the job in this unique dungeon crawler game, a tribute to the classics of the genre like the original Legend of Zelda, but mixed with a big dose of humour.

Wishlist on Steam NOW:  https://store.steampowered.com/app/850760/UnderDungeon/

UnderDungeon attracts attention with its simple, polished, beautiful 1-Bit visuals. But its greatest asset is a variety of in-game mechanics: classic RPG elements, arcade sections, musical sections, and even levels in the full 3D environment

– The gameplay in UnderDungeon allows you to feel the wave of nostalgia and the taste of the old days. It also introduces a lot of freshness! – says Domnik Czarniga, senior game producer and creative director at RedDeer.Games.

– The gameplay is enriched with great music. It’s one of the best game soundtracks in recent years! – adds Czarniga.

Enjoy stylized 2D graphics and mini-games. Every character you meet has something interesting to say… maybe except for the ducks. 

Throughout the map, you’ll find secret areas with some very strange fellows. What could they be up to? There is only one way to find out.

– Simple controls
– Charming mini-games
– Stylized 2D graphics
– Incredible music track
– Multiple weapons and enemies
– Lots of interesting characters

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version
XBOX version

For more information on UnderDungeon, please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

His name is José Sanz, 22 years old solo developer. Games have been his hobby for as long as he can remember.

He inherited the passion for games from his dad, who gave him his console Master System 2, with a huge number of game classics such as Sonic, Alex Kidd, Wonder Boy, and many more.

Until now he published games like: Zeroptian Invasion or Tamiku, and he’s working on the remake of the famous Alex Kidd in Miracle World. 



Tiny, fluffy, and… deadly trained.

Maki: Paw of Fury – classic arcade fighter is coming to PC and consoles, thanks to RedDeer.Games. Get ready!

Your love has been kidnapped by a mysterious villain. However, all your life you have been prepared to overcome evil in all forms. So this time it will be no different!

Maki: Paw of Fury is a beautifully animated fighting game in the style of retro arcade gems. Use your martial arts skills to stun and defeat your opponents and kick the main villain’s ass!

RedDeer.Games announces a game that it co-finances with the developer – Bacord Games. Maki: Paw of Fury will be released on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles next year.



You play as a sweet little fox – Maki. Don’t be fooled by his cuteness, he studied the arts of Tsume no Ken and he’s an excellent fighter!

He must now rescue his friend from the hands of evil Mapu. In this task, he’ll be helped not only by the power of his fists but also by his favorite dish… Weapon. Tuna. 

Maki: Paw of Fury is a game developed by Argentinian studio Bacord. It’s a project made by lovers of classic arcade games – a tribute to the good, old times and queues for fighting game machines.

All of this comes with a pinch of humour and beautiful visuals and music. 

Make your way through five unique locations! Every level is different and each of them has an inimitable minigame. Face diverse and dangerous opponents, alone or with friends in couch co-op mode!

Practice your skillset and movements in the dojo and be ready to overcome difficult bosses. This is the time… FIGHT! 

– Good, old, retro-styled gameplay
– Beautiful visuals and atmospheric music
– More than 15 types of enemies to fight with
– Cute playable characters: Maki and Tincho


RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Bacord Games is company that manufactures video games located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the banks of the Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world.

Always surrounded by the smell of Argentine barbecue and good football, their passion is to give the best every day, no matter what the cost. 

They’re working on the creation, development, and completion of the product, for mobile platforms and PC. Dedicate themselves to discovering new challenges in the world of entertainment.



RedDeer.Games revealed „THE EVIL ONE”
– brutal action-adventure game based on
a legendary crime novel by Leopold Tyrmand 

During a press conference in Warsaw, developers from RedDeer.Games announced they will work on a video game based on the cult crime novel „The Evil One” by Leopold Tyrmand.

This isometric action-adventure game will take players to a city that is rebuilding after the war, full of jazz, swing, romance, and crime.

The game is created in cooperation with Destructive Creations, the creators of War Mongrels, Ancestors Legacy, and Hatred.

Watch the interview with Matthew Tyrmand, son of Leopold Tyrmand: https://youtu.be/9j5s4NHERBY

RedDeer.Games has obtained a 20-year, modern license to adapt Leopold Tyrmand’s book and build a world inspired by „The Evil One”. Developers started working on the game based on the author’s most famous novel, hailed as „the most popular crime story of the People’s Poland (PRL)”.

In the ruins and construction sites of Warsaw in the 1950s, a white-eyed stranger brings justice to hooligans, thieves, and organized crime on his own. Where the power of the Militia does not reach, citizens can count on the Evil One.

The underworld, however, is awake and is preparing an intrigue that may lead to serious problems in the reviving city. Tyrmand’s noir tale is the perfect setting for a game steeped in a dark and disturbing atmosphere.

“The Evil One is often called the Polish Batman – this comparison has already shown the novel’s potential. Tyrmand dedicated his book to the city of Warsaw and we also intend to show the city that rises from its ruins. For an international audience, it will be called Bad City and will often be mentioned as a City by a capital C. Fans of the novel have nothing to fear – we will certainly convey the unique atmosphere of the underworld, streets, gates, and buildings of the capital, and at the same time we will ensure accessibility for players from outside Poland. I am proud of the Team who imagined at an early stage how during the dynamically developing technology and emerging new fields of exploitation, we can build not only the game but the whole world that we call the „multiverse”. We will bring it closer and reveal it in the next steps”, says Michał Maciej Lisiecki – co-founder and CEO of RedDeer.Games.

The game „The Evil One – The Man with the White Eyes” will be an action-adventure game offering 7-10 hours of gameplay, approx. 50 tasks and 6 large locations. The game is developed on Unreal Engine 5 for PC, Xbox Series X | S, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. Versions for other platforms will be confirmed at a later date.

RedDeer.Games has signed a cooperation agreement with Destructive Creations, whose experience and portfolio of games perfectly fit into the dark atmosphere of „The Evil One”.

“Our partners from Destructive Creations have shown that they can reflect the past and at the same time give it the right tone and atmosphere – as was the case in, for example, War Mongrels. This is what we are looking for in The Evil One – the world of Tyrmand is not only history but also an instantly recognizable atmosphere. The Destructive Creations experience gives us confidence that the City will perfectly reflect our vision and experiences of Tyrmand.” – Lisiecki adds.

„The source material presents a dark and disturbing vision of the post-war City, the captivating atmosphere of which is very close to our work. That is why we are happy to be able to work on a title with such a characteristic noir atmosphere and an extraordinary story” – comments Marcin Stanek from Destructive Creations.


Developers invite you to join the community that will shape the image of the City and the gameplay of The Evil One. Fans of Tyrmand’s prose, video games, and Warsaw can express their opinions and discuss with the creators on DiscordFacebook, and Twitter. You can also find out more about the game on TheEvilOne.Games website, where you can also watch the full press conference footage.

The Press kit is available HERE.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Since its founding in June 2014, Destructive Creations has been creating and publishing original, uncompromising titles.

The extremely experienced team has a diverse portfolio of development and publishing projects to its credit, and it builds business relationships on the foundation of mutual trust.

The authors of Hatred, Ancestors Legacy, War Mongrels – are full of passion for their games, they can enthuse other players with it.



Avoid traps, solve puzzles, discover secrets, overcome obstacles, explore the world, and all this by… sticking to everything!

Gum+ is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox!

RedDeer.Games announces that something extremely sticky is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox later this year! 

A new game in their portfolio – Gum+ will make players unable to break away from it… as if they cling to it!

Gum+ is a captivating story of an animated magical blob and his journey through a not-so-friendly, huge world full of puzzles and, of course, traps.

Watch the new trailer NOW: https://youtu.be/toQ9HYVLvTo

Enjoy the thrill of solving difficult puzzles and save the world at the same time. Avoid pitfalls, bombs, spikes, and crumbling floors. Set off on a mind-bending journey.

A blob of magical gum needs your help. Solve any puzzle standing in his way. Push and pull blocks to make it to the next staircase in one piece.

The traps you encounter will be deadly. Don’t worry about making mistakes though. You can always backtrack or start the level all over again.

Earn trophies that will help you unlock new worlds. To get them you need to complete levels, with as few moves as possible. There are plenty of secrets to discover so make sure, to pay close attention.

A great puzzle wouldn’t be as impactful without a great soundtrack. Enjoy all of the 33 unique music tracks that will accompany you throughout this journey.

If you get tired of the original 76 levels of Gum+, try out the built-in level editor. Make your own challenges and share them with your friends.

– Lots of clever puzzles
– Single-player story-mode
– Full-featured level editor
– 33 original soundtracks
– Retro graphics

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on Gum+ please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

He is a professional SW developer by day, game maker, and music composer by night. He likes strategy and puzzle games that give you big problems but allow logical deductions to reduce the problem size until it is manageable. Always brainstorming and prototyping puzzle game ideas, and the sticky mechanic in GUM+ was an idea that immediately seemed like it needed lots of exploration. 



Pro Gymnast Simulator is available from today for Nintendo Switch and Xbox!

Watch the NEW trailer now!

Pro Gymnast Simulator – a real hardcore sports gymnastics game available from today! A mix of obstacle courses, acrobatic gymnastics, and free running, where you need master skills to reach the finish line. 

Are you ready to start ultra-difficult workouts? You better be!

Pro Gymnast Simulator is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S | X thanks to RedDeer.Games.

Watch the BRAND NEW trailer: https://youtu.be/H55GN000Jc8

It will not be easy in terms of mastering perfection and gaining control over the entire body of the player. Plus, the physics will be against you… Like in real life.

But don’t give up, even though you will have a few painful falls at the beginning.

Lots of options to customize your character’s appearance are waiting for you. Additionally, once you get bored with the classic maps, a level editor will be available for you!

The creator of the game practiced gymnastics, trampoline jumping, and trapeze stunts all his life. And then he spent two years creating his dream acrobatics game.

-Full body controls
-Unlimited combo moves
-Challenging gameplay
-Created by an experienced Gymnast

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

For more information on Pro Gymnast Simulator, please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Tim has been making games since high school, mostly freeware. He’s known for JellyCar, Wall Jump Ninja, Nice Monster, Floppy Fro, and WORDZILLA.