
Gdy Diablo połączy się z bullet hell – futurystyczny action roguelike Deflector już dostępny na Nintendo Switch i XBOX

Nowa odsłona właśnie ujrzała światło dnia – Deflector, dostępny teraz na Nintendo Switch i Xbox. Wydany przez RedDeer.Games, jednego z największych wydawców i twórców gier na konsole Nintendo Switch, Deflector to dynamiczny hack’n’slash w klimacie Diablo. Gracze będą mogli ocalić świat i przetestować swój refleks.

Zobacz nowy zwiastun Deflector

Deflector to pełna akcji gra roguelike, której świat został przejęty przez agresywnego wirusa — szansa na ocalenie jest mała, ale nie zerowa. Gracze będą mogli odwrócić losy świata, odbijając ataki wroga z powrotem do niego, jednocześnie unikając pułapek, które czekają na jeden nieuważny krok.

Przed graczami stoją zakażone światy, pełne przeciwników, gotowych na wszystko – tylko stanowcza walka zapewni drogę do wygranej.

Inne style walki zostaną odblokowane podczas przechodzenia poziomów. Pierwszym z bohaterów będzie Eradicator posługujący się bumerangiem. Po pokonaniu wroga, gracz ma szansę na zdobycie mutacji a tym samym nowych umiejętności, które pomogą w walce z Apex Virus – ostatnim przeciwnikiem gracza na każdym poziomie.

Chociaż wrogów nie jest mało, nie będą oni jedyną przeszkodą w drodze do wygranej…

Po zarażeniu wirusem świat Deflectora stał się tak samo niebezpieczny jak i jego mieszkańcy. Podczas rozgrywki, gracz będzie uważać na kolczaste rośliny, baseny z kwasem oraz inne, niebezpieczne pułapki. Jest to ostateczny test refleksów dla tych, którzy chcą ocalić świat.

Czy gracze dostaną się do źródła zarazy, czy polegną w walce?

Deflector jest dostępny od dziś na Nintendo eShop oraz konsolach Xbox serii X|S gra będzie także dostępna na PS4 przed końcem roku.


Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O Arrowfist Games
Arrowfist Games to niewielkie, niezależne studio gier z siedzibą w Barcelonie, założone przez czterech twórców z kilkuletnim doświadczeniem w branży gier wideo. Deflector jest ich pierwszym, dużym projektem – nieliniowy roguelike, oparty na mechanice walki z odbijaniem pocisków i unikalnym systemie kombinacji umiejętności. Członkowie zespołu zostali zakwalifikowani do GameBCN, największego inkubatora gier wideo w Barcelonie, gdzie przez 6 miesięcy pracowali nad wersją demonstracyjną gry Deflector.



Where Diablo meets bullet hell – futuristic action roguelike Deflector now available on Nintendo Switch and XBOX  

A big new release just saw the light of day – Deflector, available now on Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles. Published by RedDeer.Games, one of the leaders in indie development and publishing for Nintendo Switch, Deflector is a fast-paced hack’n’slash the likes of Diablo. It will give players a chance to save the world and put their reflexes to the test.

Watch the new trailer of Deflector

Deflector is an action roguelike where the world has been almost completely overwhelmed by a deadly virus – its only hope to survive is to adapt and evolve. As the only one who can save the world, the players will turn their enemies’ weapons against them and test their reflexes against the toughest of foes.

The players will face worlds full of infected denizens, ready to fight for the glory of the virus and the only way to victory will be straight through them.

Different playstyles will be unlocked as the players live and perish – starting with the boomerang-wielding Eradicator. As foes fall, the character will mutate and gain new abilities to challenge the formidable Apex Virus of each level. 

Though the enemies are abundant, they will not be the only thing that will try to prevent the player from reaching their goal…

Deflector will keep the players on their toes with its challenging environment, where flora can be as dangerous as fauna when overtaken by the virus. The challenge is heightened by the various spikes, pools of acid, and many other environmental challenges and traps that are waiting to be stepped on.

Will the players conquer the virus at its source or will the world of Deflector lose all hope?

Deflector is available on Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X|S, and will appear on PS4 later this year.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


ABOUT Arrowfist Games
Arrowfist Games is a small indie company based in Barcelona, formed by four members, with several years of experience in the videogame industry. Deflector is their first big project, a non-linear roguelike based on a bullet-deflecting combat mechanic and a unique skill combination system. They have been incubated on GameBCN, one of the biggest video game incubators in Barcelona, where they have been working on the demo of Deflector for 6 months.



RedDeer.Games announces cooperation with Whiteboard Games on I See Red release for Nintendo Switch

RedDeer.Games, one of the largest publishers and developers of Nintendo Switch games, announced that the stand-out, award-winning indie – I See Red – is heading to Nintendo Switch consoles. The game will be available to players globally in early 2024.

Watch the trailer I See Red


The Whiteboard Games production – I See Red is an atmospheric action-packed twin-stick roguelike shooter set in a dark cyberpunk world. In this bleak world, the protagonist is deceived and exploited, suffering endless pain. Players with their hands will carry out brutal and destructive revenge on their tormentors.

Players will roam the entire cosmos, spreading revenge on anyone responsible for their pain. They will return even after death as one of the many clones they were used to make. Fixated around a single goal – vengeance, the hero’s world has become all black and white, with one exception – each of his targets glow bright red.

Using the vastness of destructive weapons and even the superhuman strength of their bare hands, to execute their enemies, players will wreak havoc wherever they go. 

In addition, everything around the hero may be used to his advantage during combat. While destroying the enemies by blowing up objects and even corporeal walls, players will bring entire ships to their knees and take the ultimate revenge.

I See Red will be available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. The release date of the game will be announced at a later date. 

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


About Whiteboard Games
Whiteboard Games is a digital entertainment team based in Argentina. Creators, designers, developers and gamers, making the games they would want to play. Their objective is to build unique, authentic and fun experiences for players around the world, all starting in an empty whiteboard.



Wykorzystaj zabójczą siłę wirusów przeciwko nim samymi ocal świat. Deflector od 29 września na konsolach Nintendo Switch i Xbox

RedDeer.Games, jeden z czołowych deweloperów i wydawców gier niezależnych na konsole Nintendo Switch, ogłosił datę premiery Deflectora – futurystycznej gry bullet-hell. Ciesząca się uznaniem wśród graczy i ekspertów branżowych, gra trafi na konsole Nintendo Switch i Xbox serii X|S, 29 września.

Zobacz trailer Deflector

Deflector to osadzona w przyszłości roguelike’owa gra typu hack’n’slash, o niezwykle wysokim poziomie trudności. Gracze zostaną wrzuceni w sam środek zaciętej walki o przetrwanie, w której refleks i szybkość reakcji decydują o istnieniu lub… eksterminacji.

Świat jest kompletnie wrogi, niemal całkowicie opanowany przez wirusy, lecz istnieje nadzieja na ich pokonanie, jakkolwiek niewielka…

Do wyboru gracza będzie jedna z sześciu dostępnych postaci, z których każda dysponuje innym zestawem cech i umiejętności. Głównym zadaniem będzie odbijanie gradu wrogich pocisków i wykonywanie skomplikowanych kombinacji obronnych aby przetrwać i wyjść z bitwy bez szwanku.

Deflector oferuje pełną swobodę w doborze stylu walki. Gracze będą mogli wypróbować rozgrywkę wszystkimi dostępnymi postaciami i wybrać tą, która najbardziej im odpowiada w walce.

Deflectorze nie zabraknie pięknych, ale śmiertelnie groźnych lokacji. Elektryczne ogrodzenia, kolce lub toksyczna woda – to tylko nieliczne z pułapek poukrywane na drodze. Dodatkowo,  przeciwnicy przyjmują różne formy w każdej z lokalizacji, czekającej na wyzwolenie spod kontroli wirusów. 

Czy gracze zdołają zapobiec totalnemu opanowaniu świata przez wirusy?

Deflector będzie dostępny na Nintendo eShop oraz konsolach Xbox serii X|S.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O Arrowfist Games
Arrowfist Games to niewielkie, niezależne studio gier z siedzibą w Barcelonie, założone przez czterech twórców z kilkuletnim doświadczeniem w branży gier wideo. Deflector jest ich pierwszym, dużym projektem – nieliniowy roguelike, oparty na mechanice walki z odbijaniem pocisków i unikalnym systemie kombinacji umiejętności. Członkowie zespołu zostali zakwalifikowani do GameBCN, największego inkubatora gier wideo w Barcelonie, gdzie przez 6 miesięcy pracowali nad wersją demonstracyjną gry Deflector.



Use the deadliness of viruses against themselves and try to save the world in Deflector from the 29th of September

RedDeer.Games, one of the leading indie game developers and publishers for Nintendo Switch consoles, has announced the release date of the futuristic bullet-hell game – Deflector. Acclaimed by both players and the press, the game will hit Nintendo Switch and XBOX consoles on September, 29.

Watch the trailer of Deflector

Deflector is a futuristic, roguelike hack’n’slash game of high difficulty in which players will be thrown straight into the middle of a rapid-fire battle for survival, where reflexes and speed of reaction determine the existence or… extermination.

The world is completely hostile, almost completely taken over by viruses. But there is hope of defeating them, however small.

Players will choose one from six available characters, each with a different set of skills and abilities. In the extremely dynamic gameplay, they will have to deflect a hail of enemy bullets and perform outstanding and uncountable combos to survive and emerge from the battle unscathed.

The game provides complete freedom in the choice of fighting styles. By trying out and testing characters and their weapons, battling styles, skills, strike sets and stats, players will be able to find and choose their favorite approach to combat.

There will be beautiful but deadly locations to slash through and free from the control of viruses. Players will have to pay attention to the traps lurking around them. Electric fence, spikes, or toxic water – danger will be in a different form at each location. 

Will players manage to prevent the viruses from completely taking over the world?

Deflector will be available on Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X|S.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


ABOUT Arrowfist Games
Arrowfist Games is a small indie company based in Barcelona, formed by four members, with several years of experience in the videogame industry. Deflector is their first big project, a non-linear roguelike based on a bullet-deflecting combat mechanic and a unique skill combination system. They have been incubated on GameBCN, one of the biggest video game incubators in Barcelona, where they have been working on the demo of Deflector for 6 months.



Sacrifice Your Friends, a Lovecraftian party game in cute horror style, will launch on consoles and PC later this year

Sacrifice Your Friends is a 1- 4 players party brawler inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft. The game was successfully funded on Kickstarter and chosen as a finalist in the Ubisoft Indie Series competition.

You battle your friends in dynamic, trap-filled arenas. This fast-paced party game in a cute cartoon horror style, created by Astrolabe Interactive, will be released on Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X and Nintendo Switch later this year, thanks to RedDeerGames.

There is nothing sweeter than a chibi Cthulhu. But don’t be fooled by the cartoon style, Sacrifice Your Friends is a true challenge.

The game is fast and dynamic, and the battles are intense. Randomly appearing weapons and various traps make you think on your feet and never stay in one place too long.

Of course, unless you want to be sacrificed.


The Mountain of Madness or the Nameless City catacombs are places that every Lovecraft fan will definitely recognize. Story mode will take you and your friends to locations inspired by the writer’s novels.

Would you prefer to explore the universe of H.P. Lovecraft by yourself? No problem. The brave one can go on a dangerous journey all alone in a single-player mode.

Sacrifice Your Friends will appeal to everyone who likes good horror… with humor. Chasing friends with an enormous axe in their hands, killer tentacles, or the odd fish-folks mob of Innsmouth – it sounds like an epic party! 

Sacrifice Your Friends Trailer is now available on YouTube:


Sacrifice Your Friends is already up on Steam Early Acces and will be available on Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X and Nintendo Switch later this year. The title supports cross-platform gameplay so that you can play with your friends online over different gaming systems.

Whether you share a couch with your victim or live on two opposite edges of the world, the Great Old Ones know no borders. The game includes local and online mode!

Don’t forget to wake mighty Cthulhu up later this year with Sacrifice Your Friends!

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”― H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature”


  • Lovecraftian. Discover the mythos of legendary author H.P. Lovevcraft.
  • Arena mode. Have at it with your friends in exciting arenas for 2 to 4 players.
  • Sheer madness. Embrace madness and unleash devastating powers by transforming into the mighty avatar of a Great Old One.
  • Locations. 16 unique dangerous arenas inspired by Lovecraft’s work.
  • Fun for everyone. With simple controls and goals, everyone can join in. We know: we had our mothers test it out.

The presskit is available for download HERE.

For more information on Sacrifice Your Friends, please visit the official game Twitter account, RedDeerGames official Facebook fanpage and RedDeerGames website.

RedDeer.games is a global gaming company that focuses on publishing indie games.

We aim to create unique and accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves and Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia. 

Check out www.reddeergames.com to learn more.

Astrolabe Interactive is an independent game studio located in Montreal, Canada. They are a young and dynamic team that has become one of the leaders of the indie industry in Quebec.  

H. P. Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American horror fiction writer. He is one of the most significant authors of supernatural horror fiction, known as the creator of the Lovecraftian sci-fi-horror subgenre.

Lovecraft is best known for his horror stories „The Call of Cthulhu”, part of the Cthulhu Mythos. In his stories, the author introduced demonic creatures with supernatural powers from distant worlds, including the world-famous Cthulhu, a powerful deity depicted as half man, half dragon, and half octopus.

Lovecraft’s stories have served as the inspiration for numerous films – „Cthulhu” from 2007, HBO series – „Lovecraft Country” from 2020, and video games – f.e. „Bloodborne” by Japanese studio From Software.