
Przedostatni tytuł festiwalu Indie Spring Spree -Cave of Past Sorrows dostępny od dziś na konsolach Nintendo Switch

RedDeer.Games, jeden z największych twórców i producentów gier na konsole Nintendo Switch wypuścił trzecią, czerwcową premierę wydarzenia Indie Spring Spree. Cave of Past Sorrows jest już dostępne globalnie, na konsolach Nintendo Switch.

Zobacz zwiastun Cave of Past Sorrows


Cave of Past Sorrows to minimalistyczny, pikselowy bullet hell dla wymagających i doświadczonych graczy. Oparty na mechanice pętli shooter, z wysokim poziomem trudności, rzuca wyzwanie, testując refleks i szybkość reakcji gracza.

W tej dynamicznej grze akcji gracze zagłębią się w „jaskinię minionych smutków” (Cave of Past Sorrows), gdzie przeszłość przeplata się z teraźniejszością i przyszłością – w zawrotnie szybkim i śmiertelnym tańcu życia i śmierci.

Najważniejsza zasada gry – każdy pocisk wystrzelony przez graczy pozostaje na planszy i pojawi się w tym samym miejscu, nawet po wcześniejszej przegranej bohatera na danym poziomie. 

Uczestnicy rozgrywki muszą o tym bezwzględnie pamiętać, strzelać rozważnie i zwracać uwagę na pociski oddawane przez ich poprzednie wcielenia, aby zwabiać w nie wrogów i przypadkiem… nie postrzelić samego siebie.

Cave of Past Sorrows utrzymany jest w 1-bitowej stylistyce retro. Dodatkowo, w miarę postępów gracz będzie odblokowywał dodatkowe schematy kolorystyczne, które będzie mógł zmieniać, nadając swojej rozgrywce ulubiony nastrój.

Cave of Past Sorrows jest dostępny globalnie na Nintendo Switch eShop.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O Jijigri
Jijigri to solo deweloper tworzący wymagające gry ze szczególnym naciskiem na frajdę, emocje, zabawny styl graficzny i adrenalinę!



The pre-last Indie Spring Spree release – Cave of Past Sorrows is available today on Nintendo Switch consoles

RedDeer.Games, one of the largest developers, and producers of Nintendo Switch games has launched the third premiere of the June’s Indie Spring Spree Event.
Cave of Past Sorrows is available globally on Nintendo Switch consoles from today.

Watch the trailer of Cave of Past Sorrows

Cave of Past Sorrows is a pixelated, minimalistic, bullet hell shooter for demanding and experienced players. Based on looping mechanics, it challenges and tests players’ reflexes and reaction speed.

In this action game, players will delve into the “cave of past sorrows”, where the past blends with the present and the future, in a dizzyingly fast and deadly dance of life
and death.

The most important rule of the game – every bullet launched by the players remains in the same place, even after the passing of the hero. Players must keep this in mind, shoot wisely and pay attention to the shots fired by their previous incarnations to lure the enemy into them, and not accidentally … shoot themselves.

Cave of Past Sorrows is kept in a minimalist retro style, with the possibility
of unlocking additional gameplay colors during progressions –  to choose their favorite theme while winning the next levels.

Cave of Past Sorrows is available from today globally on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


ABOUT Jijigri
Jijigri is a solo game developer, whose making challenging games with a huge focus on fun, juice, a goofy art style, and getting adrenaline out of players!



Superfast retro platformer Inukari – Chase of Deception release date revealed!

Watch the new trailer!

Inukari – Chase of Deception – crazy indie pixel platformer will land on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One / Xbox Series S|X on March 18.

Travel through forests, villages, cities, defeat your enemies and repair the evil caused by human greed to guide the world back to the right path.

Watch the new trailer: 

Exploitation, consumerism, enrichment – these are the only things that interest people living on earth. As nature’s protector, patron of the ancient forest, you cannot let humans destroy all life and nature.

Set off on a journey, defeat your enemies and restore harmony.

There is no time to lose. Three sweeping worlds, each with eight challenging levels, at the end of which the boss has to be defeated. Can you make it and save the world? Be fast, be agile, be unstoppable!

Veterans will find the spirit of what they love – old jump & run, classic retro games, action-packed indie platformer. Easy, intuitive controls, but not too easy gameplay, make it fun.

An interesting, non-obvious story will complete the experience.

– Female protagonist!
– Story-driven speedrun,
– 2D retro pixel platformer
– Simple controls but not an easy gameplay
– Original 8-bit soundtrack, composed especially for this game

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

For more information on Inukari – Chase of Deception, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

An indie game developer working on various projects. The goal of this studio is to create content to showcase passion and love for gaming itself. 



Be fast. Immerse yourself in the old-school pixel world. Inukari – Chase of Deception is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox!

RedDeer.games has just announced that the company will publish a unique retro platformer, Inukari – Chase of Deception for Nintendo Switch and Xbox One / Xbox Series S|X. Game made by indie game developer Einzelartig Games will be released on consoles this year.


Immerse yourself in the old-school pixel world. Be fast and determined. Feel the nostalgia of the good, old jump & run action game!

Watch the new trailer: 

At a time when people have stopped respecting wildlife, bad things have begun to happen. But someone has lit the small candle in your shrine, so they’re calling you!

Restore the order, peace and connect people back with nature, you are their last hope.

Inukari – Chase of Deception offers a classic retro platforming experience. Jump and run through levels, illusive like a wind, collect goodies and fight enemies and bosses. Action is smooth and dynamic.
Be faster and faster!

The adventure comes to life in a stylish way thanks to detailed pixel art visuals and original 8-bit music including classic sounds with a little, modern touch. Immerse yourself in the world that will delight you with its artistic vision.

You know what to do. Act before it’s too late!

     – 24 levels divided into 3 worlds
     – Cute retro pixel art visuals
     – Dynamic gameplay with unique pace
     – Smooth action and boss fights
     – Upbeat 8-bit soundtrack 

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

For more information on Inukari – Chase of Deception, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

An indie game developer working on various projects. The goal of this studio is to create content to showcase passion and love for gaming itself.