
Drzwi do klubu Angels Den stoją przed tobą otworem w One Night: Burlesque – interaktywna powieść kryminalna już dostępna na Nintendo Switch i Steam

Nowa gra RedDeer.Games, jednego z największych wydawców i deweloperów gier na Nintendo Switch, właśnie weszła na wirtualne półki sklepu Steam i Nintendo eShop. One Night: Burlesque, gdzie nadprzyrodzone moce pomogą graczom zapobiec morderstwu – już dostępne!

Zobacz premierowy zwiastun One Night: Burlesque

Dzisiejsza noc w klubie Angels Den niesie więcej nieprzewidywalnych zdarzeń, sekretów i niebezpieczeństwa.

One Night: Burlesque, gracze wcielą się w postać Holly, jednej z tancerek klubu. Dziewczyna nie może znaleźć swoich leków, bez których jej nadnaturalne moce wymykają się spod kontroli. Nie chce myśleć o tym, co się stanie gdy myśli innych osób zaczną dosięgać jej własnych.

Podczas występu, Holly ma krwistą wizję, w której widzi swoją przyjaciółkę i główną tancerkę klubu postrzeloną.

Ktoś planuje jej morderstwo.

Holly postanawia wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce – znajdzie drania, który chce zabić Liz tej nocy. Gracze, razem z nią, będą przesłuchiwać podejrzanych, decydować nad wyborami w konwersacjach i grać w minigry, które pomogą przekonać niektórych do Holly.

Podczas tego, gracze staną też przed wyborem – czy użyć mocy Holly, by wycisnąć z ludzi wszystkie informacje? Czy zostawić prywatne myśli innych w spokoju?

Świat One Night: Burlesque nie jest czarnobiały – oprawa graficzna jest w stylu noir, gdzie kolor czerwony jest zastąpiony różowym, a czasy współczesne podkreślone są przez światła neonów.

Decyzje graczy zadecydują nie tylko o tym, jak Holly będzie postrzegana, ale także o zakończeniu gry. Jedną z takich decyzji jest to, czy Holly będzie czytać w myślach innych – zagadki można rozwiązać bez używania nadprzyrodzonych mocy dziewczyny.


One Night: Burlesque jest już dostępne na konsolach Nintendo Switch i Steam. Dostępne jest też 10-minutowe demo gry na platformie Steam.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku i Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.



Step now into Angels Den and see the club in its full glory – One Night: Burlesque, the supernatural detective story is now on Nintendo Switch and Steam

RedDeer.Games, one of the lead indie video game publishers and developers on Nintendo Switch, has just opened the door of Angels Den. One Night: Burlesque, the awaited mystery visual novel with a supernatural twist, is available now on Nintendo Switch and Steam.

Watch the release trailer of One Night: Burlesque

As the sun sets the doors of the luxurious burlesque club open, Angels Den happily greets its guests with a promise of an unforgettable night.

One Night: Burlesque introduces the players to Holly – one of the club’s dancers, who is having quite a rough time. She’s struggling to keep her hidden, mind-reading abilities under control, and this could ruin more than just this one night at the club.

This ailment of supernatural nature proves to be useful when a bloody picture is projected into her head – in it, her friend, Liz, is shot in the chest while on stage.

Holly’s night changes drastically – from an everyday burlesque show into a murder-mystery race with time. This makes her pull all the stops and decide to find out who’s behind this by herself.

The players follow Holly and together interview a list of suspects, make choices, play story-related minigames, and, most importantly, decide when to read the thoughts of others.

The world in One Night: Burlesque isn’t black and white – the noir red is replaced by pink, and the modern setting is underlined by neon lights. Here, everything depends on the player’s choices and multiple endings can be obtained, even without using Holly’s mind-reading abilities. 


One Night: Burlesque isavailable now, both on Steam and Nintendo Switch consoles. The latter has a demo version of the game available to download anytime.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.



Zapobiegnij morderstwu w One Night: Burlesque.Demo na Steam i data premiery mrocznego kryminału w stylu noir ujawniona!

RedDeer.Games, jeden z największych wydawców i twórców gier na konsole Nintendo Switch, ogłosił datę wydania nowego tytułu – One Night: Burlesque. Gra na konsolach Nintendo Switch i Steam ukaże 3 listopada. Czy gracze zdołają zapobiec morderstwu?

Zobacz zwiastun One Night: Burlesque

One Night: Burlesque to gra visual novel w stylu noir, której akcja dzieje się w przeciągu jednej nocy, w luksusowym klubie Angels Den. Gracze wcielają się w  Holly – charyzmatyczną tancerkę, która potrafi czytać w myślach. 

Ta umiejętność okazuje się przydatna gdy słyszy zbłąkaną myśl, która rzuci ją w wir poszukiwań osoby planującej morderstwo jej przyjaciółki…


Ludzie w świecie One Night: Burlesque nie są zwykłymi obywatelami – niektórzy mają moce, których przydatność idzie łeb w łeb z ich niebezpieczeństwem. Pośród nich jest Holly…

– Początkowa wizja przychodzi do Holly bezwiednie, co jest spowodowane nieprzyjęciem leków pomagających kontrolować te umiejętności. Dlatego właśnie główna bohaterka nie jest pewna czyje myśli i emocje odczytała. – Skomentowała o początku historii Basia Leśniewska, Artystka 2D, RedDeer.Games.

Podczas gdy gracze będą towarzyszyć Holly, na ich drodze pojawią się trudne wybory, które wpłyną na ostateczne zakończenie gry. Podczas tej nocy w Angels Den, od gracza również zależy, czy użyje specjalnych mocy, czy nie i które z trzech zakończeń będzie zwieńczeniem historii.


One Night: Burlesque będzie wydana na konsolach Nintendo Switch i Steam 3 listopada. Graczę będą mogą już teraz wypróbować wersję demo — do końca pierwszego aktu gry — na Steam.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games






RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.



Dive into a murder mystery. One Night: Burlesque – release date announced with a playable demo available on Steam

From RedDeer.Games, one of the lead indie video game publishers and developers specializing in Nintendo Switch, comes the official release date for their new game – One Night: Burlesque. The entirety of Act I is available as a demo now on Steam, with the full launch on both Nintendo Switch and Steam on November 3.

Watch the trailer of One Night: Burlesque

One Night: Burlesque is a noir visual novel that takes place in a luxurious club Angels Den. The players will step into the shoes of Holly – a charismatic dancer with unique mind-reading powers. 

Those abilities come in the clutch when she hears a stray thought that will turn her night upside down and push her to uncover the planned murder of her best friend.


In the world of One Night: Burlesque, some people can be extraordinary — their powers can be regarded as a blessing or a curse depending on the perspective. As for Holly…

– Holly’s 'vision’ comes to her, because she is running out of meds that keep her 'illness’ in check. That’s why at the beginning she has no idea whose emotions/thoughts she just read –  Says Basia Leśniewska, 2D Artist, RedDeer.Games.

…the players will decide that for themselves.

As players accompany Holly there will be mysteries to uncover, choices to be made, and three endings to obtain. All of this is for players to discover – whether with or without the supernatural aspect of the game.


One Night: Burlesque will be available on Steam and Nintendo Switch consoles on the 3rd of November. The playable demo version of the game that covers the entirety of Act I is available now on Steam.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games






RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.



One Night: Burlesque – RedDeer.Games announcing new game. Avert a blood-soaked tragedy in the mottled burlesque fantasy

RedDeer.Games, one of the biggest developers and publishers of independent games, announced an upcoming new in-house indie game – One Night: Burlesque. A detective-style crime story in a unique noir setting will be available later this year on Nintendo Switch and Steam. The game is already available for Steam Wishlist.

Watch the teaser trailer of One Night: Burlesque

One Night: Burlesque is a visual novel game in which players can delve into the heart of a tarry noir tale, where the fluff of peacock feathers, and sequins darkens under the influence of crime lurking in the shadows.

Wishlist on Steam

Players will step into Hollie’s high heels – a top-notch dancer of the exclusive burlesque club Angels Den. On the surface, the world seems as ordinary as we all know it…. but that’s not entirely true. Humanity possesses supernatural abilities that drive them insane if they do not use ODDERAL, a drug that suppresses their effects.

The story will drive through an unexpected event, as Hollie with her telepathy discovers that someone is planning to murder her dearest friend after tonight’s performance.

Will players solve the mystery of Hollie’s friends’ murder?

Hand-drawn graphics maintained reminiscent of the noir style, three endings reliant on the player’s decisions, a captivating soundtrack, and many mysteries to be uncovered – this colorful array of possibilities will be unveiled to players behind the curtain of One Night: Burlesque.

One Night: Burlesque will be available on Steam and the Nintendo Switch consoles later this year, and the game is available on Steam Wishlist. The release date of the game will be announced at a later date.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.



Detective Di release date announced! Watch the NEW trailer!

One of the most anticipated December releases on Nintendo Switch, Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders, has just received an official premiere date! The game will arrive on Nintendo Switch on December 3rd and on Xbox One / Xbox Series S|X on December 14th thanks to RedDeer.games!

Watch the NEW trailer and feel the dark atmosphere of complex intrigue set in historic times:

How to describe Detective Di? It is a point-and-click criminal adventure game with a mature story, depicted with beautiful pixel art. 

Learn the story of Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper, but … in ancient China. As detective Di Renjie (authentically living in the past), solve the vicious murders of young women and discover the identity of a serial killer.

Thrown into the middle of political intrigue, discover the motivation of the country’s top officials. Meet the only ever Chinese Empress Wu Zetian. 

Investigate the crime scenes by talking to witnesses using the available dialogue options. Find evidence and items relevant to the investigation. Drawing the right conclusions by filling in the deduction board to accurately recreate past events. Recreate the course of the crime based on the clues found at the end of every chapter.

We know you love it!


  • Captivating, mature storyline
  • Background and atmosphere of ancient China culture and history
  • Challenging riddles to solve and dialogue options to choose
  • Expressive and unique pixel art, 2D graphic
  • Original soundtrack with 13 tracks

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.


Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

For more information on Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders, please visit the official game Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Comic Coloring Book, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, and Little Bug. 

Currently, the company is working on the science fiction game Time Hole, and the comic, humorous platformer 7 Horizons. We also announced two games in the universe of the beloved comic „Kayko and Kokosh”.
Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Nupixo is an independent studio based in Montreal, behind the critically-acclaimed point-and-click thriller, Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders. Also the makers of Facility Z and Shadow of the Ninja 1 and 2.



Dive into the dark world of ancient China and solve a criminal mystery!

The critically acclaimed game is coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X this December thanks to RedDeer.games!

Detective Di is a breathtaking point-and-click adventure game with an extensive story, immersive from its very beginning. Take on the role of the most famous detective in ancient China and solve the mystery of cruel and bizarre serial killings.

Watch NEW Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders trailer now on YouTube:


Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders was successfully funded on Kickstarter and Greenlit by Steam users. It currently holds a Steam user score of 90% and a Metacritic score of 80%. 

Someone systematically kills young women in the Chinese capital under the Tang Dynasty, leaving cards with riddles and warnings at the crime scene.

After a daringly solved case, the young, newly minted, but extremely talented detective Di Renjije receives, from the Empress Wu Zetian herself, the task of discovering the identity of the murderer. 

Discover the truth behind crimes, learn politicians’ true intentions, and defeat your demons as you collaborate with the first and only Empress of China during the unique times of the Tang Dynasty. 

Investigate the crime scenes by talking to witnesses using the available dialogue options. Find evidence and items relevant to the investigation. Drawing the right conclusions by filling in the deduction board to accurately recreate past events.  The remarkable story is shown with gorgeous pixel art paying homage to the old school of graphics but with a whole new unique touch.


  • Captivating storyline
  • Background and atmosphere of ancient China culture and history
  • Challenging riddles to solve and dialogue options to choose
  • Expressive and unique pixel art, 2D graphic
  • Original soundtrack with 13 tracks

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE. 

Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

For more information on Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage, RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Brawl Chess, Comic Coloring Book, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Under Leaves, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia and AAA Clock. 

Currently, the company is working on the science fiction game Time Hole, and the comic, humorous platformer 7 Horizons. We also announced two games in the universe of the beloved comic „Kayko and Kokosh”.

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Nupixo is an independent studio based in Montreal, behind the critically-acclaimed point-and-click thriller, Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders. Also the makers of Facility Z and Shadow of the Ninja 1 and 2.