
RedDeer.Games zostaje oficjalnym wydawcą i patronem magicznej gry Pilo and the Holobook

RedDeer.Games, deweloper i wydawca gier skierowanych do użytkowników konsoli Nintendo Switch, ogłosił podpisanie umowy z deweloperem Mudita Games na ko-finansowanie i wydanie przygodowej, przytulnej gry Pilo and the Holobook na konsolę Nintendo Switch, Steam, PlayStation i XBOX.


Pilo and the Holobook to pełna wdzięku gra przygodowa, ukierunkowana na eksplorację i obserwację otoczenia. Pilo i jego mentor – Profesor, podróżują poprzez kosmos i poszukują nowych planet. W tym wielkim przedsięwzięciu pomoże im Holobook – przedmiotdzięki któremu mogą zebrać swoje nowe odkrycia w jednym miejscu. A wszystko to w formie pięknych znaczków!

Jednak w trakcie beztroskiej przygody przyjaciele niespodziewanie natrafią na mroczny, toksyczny materiał – Tar.

Dla osób zainteresowanych tytułem, Pilo and the Holobook jest dostępne w wersji demo na platformie Steam.

– Kiedy pierwszy raz zobaczyliśmy Pilo and the Holobook, to była po prostu miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia – w jej postaciach, cudacznych planetach, relaksującej i spokojnej rozgrywce. Decyzja o tym, aby współfinansować projekt Mudita Games była oczywista od samego początku. – powiedział Grzegorz Drabik, Dyrektor Biznesowy, RedDeer.Games.

– Po trzech latach ciężkiej pracy nad tworzeniem Pilo, cieszymy się, że mamy wsparcie i doświadczenie RedDeer.Games, które pomoże nam rozprzestrzenić radość i humor Pilo na całym świecie – powiedział Jérôme Bodin, Game Director,  Mudita Games.

Gra będzie dostępna na Nintendo Switch, Steam PC, Playstation i XBOX. Więcej informacji i data premiery Pilo and the Holobook zostanie ogłoszona w późniejszym czasie. Pilo and the Holobook jest dostępne w formie demo na Steam.

Więcej informacji na temat projektów RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt i możliwość zrecenzowania gier: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest wydawcą i producentem niezależnych gier wideo od 2019. Według „Forbesa”, RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier, a także został nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Portfolio RDG składa się z ponad 80 oryginalnych tytułów indie, a wśród nich znajdują się między innymi Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead i Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, a także gry z licencji The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh i Zły. RDG wydaje gry na największych platformach dystrybucyjnych — Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation i iOS. W planach na 2024 rok RedDeer.Games ma wydanie gier DROS I See Red na konsolę Nintendo Switch, a także autorskiego projektu Cook For Love.


O Mudita Games 
Mudita Games to młoda firma założona w czerwcu 2024 roku przez dwóch przyjaciół – Jérôme’a i Frédérica. Duet ten pracuje nad grą „Pilo and the Holobook” od 2022 roku, a wcześniej współpracowali przy kilku grach pod nazwą handlową Cuve Games, a później Le Studio des Ténèbres. Mudita Games ma na celu promowanie gier, które są piękne i pełne pozytywnych przesłań. Dwaj założyciele są również zaangażowani w wartości związane z ekologiczną odpowiedzialnością, inkluzyjnością i dostępnością w swoich produkcjach i metodach pracy.



RedDeer.Games officialy announced publishing and patroniting the magical game – Pilo and the Holobook

RedDeer.Games, developer and publisher focused on Nintendo Switch console, announced signing a contract with Mudita Games on publishing and co-founding a cozy adventure game – Pilo and the Holobook on Nintendo Switch, Steam, Playstation and XBOX.


Pilo and the Holobook is an adventure game full of charm that emphasizes exploration and observation. Pilo and his mentor, the Professor, travel through space in search of new planets. They use their Holobook to create and collect stickers allowing them to keep track of their discoveries. During their adventure, they discover a dark toxic material, the Tar…

On Steam there’s also a Demo version of Pilo and the Holobook, ready to sneak peak and deep dive into multiple beautiful planets.

– When we first saw Pilo and the Holobook, it was love at first sight with this cozy adventure, its characters, colorful planets, calm story, and chilled-out gameplay. It was a no-brainer to co-found that little gem with Mudita Games. – said Grzegorz Drabik, Business Development Director, RedDeer.Games.

– After three years of hard work to make Pilo come to life, we are happy to have the support and the experience of RedDeer.Games to help us spread Pilo’s joy and humor through the world. –  said Jérôme Bodin, Game Director, Mudita Games.

Pilo and the Holobook will be distributed on Nintendo Switch, Steam, Playstation and XBOX. More information and the release date will be provided at a later time. The game is available for a wishlist with a demo version on Steam.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

Direct contact for more information and review opportunities: lucy@reddeer.games





Since 2019, RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent developer and publisher of video games. According to “Forbes”, RDG is ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers and has been awarded one of „The Fastest Growing Gamedev Companies in Central Europe”. RDG’s portfolio contains over 80 unique indie titles, some of which are Sprout Valley, One Night: Burlesque, Little Mouse Encyclopedia, She Wants Me Dead, and Uzzuzzu My Pet – Golf Dash, alongside franchises like The Smurfs, Kayko & Kokosh, as well as The Evil One. RDG releases games on key distribution platforms like Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and iOS. When it comes to plans for 2024, RedDeer.Games will publish DROS and I See Red on Nintendo Switch console, as well as their own original project – Cook For Love.


About Mudita Games
Mudita Games is a young company created in June 2024 by two friends – Jérôme and Frédéric. The duo have been working together on the Pilo and the Holobook since 2022 and had previously worked together on several games under the trade name Cuve Games and then Le Studio des Ténèbres. Mudita Games aims to promote games that are beautiful and full of positive messages. The two founders are also committed to the values of eco-responsibility, inclusivity and accessibility in their productions and working methods.



Poruszająca opowieść The Companion debiutuje dziś na konsolach Nintendo Switch

RedDeer.Games, przodujący developer i wydawca gier niezależnych na konsole Nintendo Switch, ogłosił wydanie premiery miesiąca – The Companion. Pełna mistycyzmu historia, wieńcząca kwietniową część wydarzenia Indie Spring Spree, zabierze graczy w podróż do duchowego świata magii i tajemnicy.

Zobacz zwiastun The Companion

The Companion to przygodowa gra narracyjna, skupiona na osobistej, rodzinnej historii i przesłaniu, niosącemu ze sobą wiele wartości, takich jak miłość, przyjaźń i rodzina. Ta emocjonalna opowieść nasycona symboliką, pozwoli graczowi wcielić się w duchową postać lisa — mieszkańca metafizycznego świata.

Główny bohater, podczas przemierzania rozległego, otwartego świata, kierowany wizjami z przeszłości, teraźniejszości i przyszłości — poznaje poruszającą opowieść o pewnej rodzinie i odkryje tym samym swoje własne przeznaczenie.

Eksplorując siedem zapierających dech lokacji, gracz stanie przed ważnym zadaniem – stworzenia połączenia między światem duchowym a materialnym. Dokonać tego będzie mógł, zbierając ukryte w najróżniejszych miejscach Esencje oraz odnajdując magiczne Artefakty. 

Ogromny świat staje się niekiedy labiryntem, w którym można się przypadkiem zagubić. Gracz może w takiej sytuacji skorzystać z rozsianych po całym świecie runicznych kamieni, które pozwolą mu przyzwać astralnych przewodników i znaleźć drogę ku przeznaczeniu.

Przepiękny, astralny świat, jego zagadki i tajemnice, oraz pogłębiająca nastrój relaksująca muzyka sprawią, że The Companion pochłonie graczy na długie godziny. 

The Companion jest dostępny globalnie na Nintendo Switch eShop.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O Davidzie Fazzio i Studio 46
David Fazzio, założyciel Studia 46, jest niezależnym, solo deweloperem, który w pewnym momencie życia zdecydował się zostać twórcą gier indie. The Companion to jego debiutancka gra, wydana w maju 2021 roku. Kontynuacja docenionego przez graczy tytułu jest, będący w trakcie produkcji – The Majestic.



The gripping tale of The Companion debuts today on Nintendo Switch consoles

RedDeer.Games, the leading developer and publisher of indie games for Nintendo Switch consoles announced the release of the month – The Companion. Filled with mysticism, the final game of April’s Indie Spring Spree will take players on a journey into a spiritual world of both magic and mystery.

Watch the trailer of The Companion

The Companion is a narrative adventure game focused on a story that carries a massage about essential values such as love, friendship, and family. This symbolically-rich emotional tale allows players to take on the role of a fox’s spiritual avatar, dwelling in the metaphysical realm. 

Guided by visions from the past, present, and future, the protagonist traverses a vast open world and uncovers the poignant story of a family, ultimately revealing his own fate.

Players will embark on an exploration of seven breathtaking locations, with the important task of creating a connection between the spiritual and material worlds. This can be accomplished by collecting Essences hidden in various places, as well as discovering magical Artefacts.

The vast world of The Companion can sometimes become a true labyrinth, in which one can accidentally get lost. Players can then use rune stones scattered around the world to summon astral guides and find the path to their destiny.

The magnificent spiritual world of The Companion, its puzzles, mysteries, and the mood-enhancing soundtrack will keep players absorbed for hours.

The Companion is available from today globally on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games






RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


ABOUT  David Fazzio and Studio 46
David Fazzio, founder of Studio 46, is an independent solo developer who at some point in his life decided to become an indie game developer. The Companion is his debut game, released in May 2021 on Steam. The sequel to the acclaimed title is, still under development – The Majestic.



A unique journey begins. Journey back home.

One week remains until the big launch of 
Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home on
November 3 for Nintendo Switch 


In this 2,5D platformer we are going through a story of the dog named Bea, send into space, who along with the players is having epic adventures and meeting a lot of less and more friendly creatures from outer space.

Before humans explored space by themselves, a lot of animals were paving the way to the stars – they were those, who saw up close what a lot of people encountered years after.

Unfortunately, a lot of them did not survive this journey… except for Bea.

Bea is not a superdog. She doesn’t have any superhuman – or to be precise: superdog – powers. Just like any other dog she can rely only on her senses: smell, sight, and hearing.

These are the main basics of mechanics called “detective mode”, which will help her reach the destination and protect her from danger.

During her journey, Bea will meet many extraterrestrials. Some of them will be friendly, others will treat Bea as a danger. You can interact with the creatures and communicate through a dialogue system – based on the dog’s behaviour – to create a bond, find some common language and help each other.

However, you need to be very careful, because each action will have its consequences.

Travelling across different worlds Bea will befriend two entities: Comet Rose and the robot 8088Y. They will accompany her through the almost entire game, helping her solve puzzles and rescue her from troubles, and in the end, influence the game ends.
Each companion has unique abilities, which the player will have to use at the tight moment in the game.

Space Tail gives a fun, but also makes players think because it’s not a simple story about a dog in space. It’s our homage to every animal who leads humans way to the stars and our journey to times when every one of us played retro platformers.


– Experience space adventure as an astronaut dog
– Follow your senses to traverse  and discover secrets hidden on planets
– Communicate with inhabitants using a unique “dialogue system” – dog’s body language
– Enlist the help of the space companions – a comet and a robot – and acquire new skills l
– Solve unusual and sophisticated logic puzzles
– Test your agility by overcoming the dangers lurking on alien planets
– Explore the intriguing and thought-provoking story of the universe
– Immerse yourself in the stirring original soundtrack
– Find the way home


EU version
US version

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 


Longterm Games is established in 2020 by Albert Rokicki and Robert Ogłodziński game dev company which goal is to create unique, outstanding video games that players want to experience endlessly.

Their business model is based on creating games with long monetization period (long sellers), generating income for many years, both from selling base game and DLC’s, co-op packs, season passes or their sequels.

Despite the relatively short time of operation, the company cooperates with gaming and IT veterans, known from CD Projekt RED, Klabater S.A or Deloitte Poland.



RedDeer.Games and Longterm Games announce that Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home will be released on Nintendo Switch on November 3rd


Space Tail is a 2.5D adventure platformer, which immerses the player in a deep, emotional plot, and lets him explore new planets and interact with alien civilizations.

Every journey changes the point of view – it grows with the traveller. Our game tells a story about self-exploration, transformation and understanding the world around us.

The plot of the game is inspired by real events when people began their conquest of space by sending animals to the stars. We intended it to be a kind of tribute to all the animals that paved the way for humans to go into space.

Most of these animals – the first astronauts, did not survive the journey. Our story tells of the adventures of a dog named Bea, who… managed to beat the odds.

Bea is a cheerful and courageous character, but the player must remember that she is just a… dog. She has all the characteristics of a mongrel – she barks, likes to chase her own tail, and learns about the world through her senses.

Bea can sniff, listen and observe. These are the main mechanics of detective mode which will help her in exploring and understanding her environment.

Bea travels through space discovering more planets. Each planet is different and has its specific inhabitants, who can either become friends with the main character or be very unfriendly towards her.

We are convinced that exploring this amazing world together with Bea will give the player a lot of satisfaction and pleasure.

– Become an astronaut dog and experience an extraordinary space adventure
– Follow your canine senses to traverse expansive levels and discover secrets hidden on wondrous planets
– Communicate with extraterrestrials using a unique “dialogue system” relying solely on the dog’s body language: jump, wag your tail, bark, growl, etc.
– Enlist the help of the space companions you meet along the way – a comet and a robot – and acquire new skills like double-jump and telekinesis to move heavy objects
– Solve unusual and sophisticated logic puzzles
– Test your agility by overcoming the dangers lurking on alien planets
– Explore the intriguing and thought-provoking story of the universe
– Immerse yourself in the stirring original soundtrack
– Find the way home


EU version
US version

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 


Longterm Games is established in 2020 by Albert Rokicki and Robert Ogłodziński game dev company which goal is to create unique, outstanding video games that players want to experience endlessly.

Their business model is based on creating games with long monetization period (long sellers), generating income for many years, both from selling base game and DLC’s, co-op packs, season passes or their sequels.

Despite the relatively short time of operation, the company cooperates with gaming and IT veterans, known from CD Projekt RED, Klabater S.A or Deloitte Poland.




Your inner strength is the power that will guide you on the way home.

The free prologue of Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home is coming to Steam!

„Lost in The Sands” is the title of the free prologue to the puzzle adventure platformer – „Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home”. You will travel through space with Bea on August 12th.

„Space Tail: Lost in The Sands” – STEAM

Space Tail is an amazing 2,5-D adventure platformer, where the player immerses into a deep, emotionally moving plot. Lost in the Sands prologue tells the tale of Bea’s adventure on one of the newly discovered planets.

The game will also be available on Nintendo Switch, published by RedDeer.Games.

Watch the new trailer NOW

Few people know that the first animal in space was a fruit fly sent by humans for research – that’s a fact. Many others have paid the highest price for the trip…

In „Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home” Bea is the only pet survivor. Now lonely and lost, she is on her own. Whether her journey will end with a happy return home, you will be able to find out in the game this fall.

Each journey brings new sensations, experiences, and acquaintances. During her wandering, Bea will discover new planets that no earthly creature has ever seen.

Each of them is different, with peculiar properties, each of them being both a challenge and a danger. She will find space friends who will help her survive and move on. Although not all creatures will be amicable…

And all this will be known through her sensitive canine senses that will help her „sniff out” the way to her beloved home.

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on Space Tail, please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Longterm Games is established in 2020 by Albert Rokicki and Robert Ogłodziński game dev company which goal is to create unique, outstanding video games that players want to experience endlessly.

Their business model is based on creating games with long monetization period (long sellers), generating income for many years, both from selling base game and DLC’s, co-op packs, season passes or their sequels.

Despite the relatively short time of operation, the company cooperates with gaming and IT veterans, known from CD Projekt RED, Klabater S.A or Deloitte Poland.                                           



Fall in love in the new version of the award-winning Nirvana: Pilot Yume! Retro anime space romance has received a release date for Xbox consoles!

It’s 3080, an intergalactic world of super-fast space racing! Will you manage to find true love in this extraordinary world? You will find out on Friday, May 20 at the premiere of the Xbox One / Xbox Series S|X version!

Check out the NEW trailer  NOW: https://youtu.be/UuWY6xLKhlY

The game is filled with links to typical retro sci-fi anime essentials, such as extremely colorful interiors, stylizations, and characters referring to the atmosphere of cyberpunk, fast vehicles, and NEONs.

It’s also an ode to classic racing games from the DOS era combined with an engaging visual novel! The atmosphere is boosted by 10 retro-themed synthwave low poly tracks composed especially for the game! 

Great Ultrathought Race of the Universe (G.U.R.U for short) is where each Orbital City competes to resolve conflicts by racing down a dangerous interplanetary track. 

You play as a retired Eye – a guide of Nirvana Pilots. In the past, a tragedy took away your will to act – you lost your beloved through a mistake. 

The young pilot Yume asks for your help, however, memories come crashing back… Will you be able to overcome the pain and redeem your sins?

The multiplicity of decisions leads to 5 different endings. Will you manage to discover them all in this engaging visual novel?

Retröxx is the author of unique music which will accompany you on your cosmic journey. Catchy tracks with vintage vibes and reliving 80s nostalgia will help you overcome speed barriers and believe in yourself again! 

– Compete in ultra-fast races inspired by classic arcade games
– Test your skills in arcade mode where you focus only on racing
– Experience a story full of romance inspired by 80s sci-fi and anime 
– 10+1 Space races set in retro-themed, low poly environments 
– 12 Story events with multiple paths and 5 different story endings
– Catchy retro metal wave soundtrack composed by the great Retröxx.

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX Deluxe version

For more information on Nirvana, please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Dev9k is a creative studio that develops games, books, and IPs focused on atmosphere and strong narratives. 



Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home.

A beautiful story about the space and self-discovery launches in fall 2022

Warsaw, May 11th, 2022 – Longterm Games announces their first title – a space story about self-discovery and the understanding of the world around, Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home. The game will be released on Nintendo Switch this fall thanks to RedDeer.Games.

In this 2,5D platformer we are going through a story of the dog named Bea, send into space, who along with the players is having epic adventures and meeting a lot of less and more friendly creatures from outer space.  

This action platformer will be available on Steam and Nintendo Switch, with current and previous-gen consoles in the near future.


Story for the fans of such titles as Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside, Limbo and Journey is inspired by real events, when people tried their conquest of the space and were just starting it, to be clear.

Before humans explored space by themselves, a lot of animals were paving the way to the stars – they were those, who saw up close what a lot of people encountered years after.

Unfortunately, a lot of them did not survive this journey… except for Bea.


Gameplay in Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home is based on three mechanics: sensesrelations, and companions.

  • Senses – Bea is not a superdog. She doesn’t have any superhuman – or to be precise: superdog – powers. Just as any other dog she can rely only on her senses: smell, sight, and hearing. These are the main basics of mechanic called “detective mode”, which will help her reach destinations and protect her from danger. In the unknown environment, she can only rely on her own senses and instinct.
  • Relations – During her journey, Bea will meet many extraterrestrials. Some of them will be friendly, others will treat Bea as a danger. Players can interact with the creatures and communicate through a dialog system – based on the dog’s behavior – to create a bond, find some common language and help each other. However, you need to be very careful, because each action will have its consequences.
  • Companions – Traveling across different worlds Bea will befriend two entities: Comet Rose and the robot 8088Y. They will accompany her through the almost entire game, helping her solve puzzles and rescue her from troubles, and in the end, influence the game ending.

 Each companion has unique abilities, which the player will have to use at the tight moment in game.

Space Tail should give fun, in the first place, but also makes players think, because it’s not a simple story about a dog in the space. It’s our homage to every animal who leads humans way to the stars and our journey to times, where every one of us played retro platformers – said Robert Ogłodziński, Executive Producer in Longterm Games.

Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home is going to be a great game for everyone – young or old. It will test your skills in logical thinking and creativity, however, puzzles won’t distract from the story behind it.

This part of the game is going to be important – it was created in cooperation with Łukasz Palkowski, award-winning polish director and screenwriter.

Bea’s adventures will be experienced with soundtrack from two, critically acclaimed polish composers, Jan Sanejko and Bartosz Chajdecki and the game itself was created in cooperation with Enjoy Studio S.A.

The game will launch this autumn on Steam and Nintendo Switch, with current and last-gen consoles later on.
More information about the game can be found here, and any additional assets can be found here. Check and follow information and news about the game on official social media – FacebookInstagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

EU version
US version

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

For more information about RedDeer.Games please visit the official Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

Longterm Games is established in 2020 by Albert Rokicki and Robert Ogłodziński game dev company which goal is to create unique, outstanding video games that players want to experience endlessly.

Their business model is based on creating games with a long monetization period (long sellers), generating income for many years, both from selling base games and DLC’s, co-op packs, season passes, or sequels.

Despite the relatively short time of operation, the company cooperates with gaming and IT veterans, known from CD Projekt RED, Klabater S.A, and Deloitte Poland.



Welcome to the world of robots inspired by the sweet darkness of Grim Fandango and the ambiance of Machinarium 

Ultreïa is coming to Nintendo Switch this Friday. Check out the NEW trailer

Ultreïa is an adventure game in which you will go on a journey into the unknown in search of what is important in life.

This cute yet dark game will be released on Nintendo Switch this Friday, March 25, thanks to RedDeer.games.

The enormous void in the robot’s small steel heart, caused by a great loss, forces him on a journey into a completely unknown, wild world.

Watch the new trailer NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTMfDMJs5UQ

As a little pilgrim-wanderer, you will travel through the mysterious, dark world, getting to know its not always friendly, diverse inhabitants.

But be careful, in the caves deep underground, in the shadow deep as the darkest night, huge, mystical monsters hide and live.

During your adventure, you will find yourself in the phantasmagoric robot city of Mount St-Troy, where the senses operate according to completely different principles. And this experience will change your perception of the world. 

Remember! Each robot is different, has its own personality and a different language, so you need to find the right way to communicate with it.

As a little traveler on his own, you will have to use all your logical thinking to solve numerous puzzles, find items and use them to create new ones necessary for the further journey.

 – Beautiful story about the meaning of life and death
 – Puzzles and inventory to crafting
 – Different ways of dialogue and unique language for different robots
 – Unique art and sound design inspired by the sweet darkness of Grim Fandango and the ambiance of Machinarium
 – About 4 – 5 hours to complete the game
 – More than 50 locations to discover and explore with over 1000 lines of dialogue
 – Original soundtrack by Yann Latour

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on Ultreïa, please visit the official RedDeer.games Twitter account, RedDeer.games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.games website.

RedDeer.games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

Olivier De Rop is solo game developer from Belgium, and Ultreia is his first project. He specializes in illustrations and a CG art.