
Ogród, w którym ciężki dzień przejdzie w zapomnienie – Garden Buddies dostępne już teraz na Steam oraz Nintendo Switch

Od RedDeer.Games, dewelopera i wydawcy gier na Nintendo Switch, właśnie pojawił się nowy tytuł, który łączy urok pielęgnacji własnego ogrodu z dbaniem o zdrowie psychiczne. Garden Buddies jest już teraz dostępne na Steam i Nintendo Switch – relaksująca przygoda czeka na ogrodnika.

Obejrzyj zwiastun premierowy Garden Buddies

Garden Buddies zaprowadzi graczy do świata pełnego koloru, gdzie pierwszym priorytetem będzie założenie i pielęgnowanie ogrodu, a dbanie o własne samopoczucie pojawi się na każdym kroku. Gra oferuje rady co do unikania stresu i ćwiczenia, które pojawią się między poziomami.

Wraz z rozwojem historii gracze zdobędą więcej ozdób do ich prywatnej oazy oraz poznają więcej małych stworków, które będą potrzebowały ich pomocy.

Pierwszym towarzyszem, którego poznają gracze, jest Mutsy. Ten jabłuszkowy maluch będzie pomagał ze wszystkim, co nieznane, oraz przedstawi, jak działa pielęgnowanie roślin i dekorowanie.

Podczas przygody pojawią się nowe postacie, których misje będą przedstawione w formie minigierek. Przejście poziomu pozwoli na zdobycie zaufania stworka, a także odblokuje nowe rzeczy i popchnie historię gry do przodu.

Gdy stres dnia przejdzie na drugi plan, Garden Buddies wypełni każdy wieczór dawką słodyczy. Pomiędzy przygodami gracze poznają techniki oddechowe i ćwiczenia, które pomogą im opanować codzienny stres.

Garden Buddies jest dostępne na Steamie oraz konsoli Nintendo Switch.

Więcej informacji na temat gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games znajduje się na oficjalnej stronie, a także Facebooku Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O JamPics
GardenBuddies zostało stworzone przez Tima Buhrsa i Jordy’ego de Waala znanych jako JamPics – dynamiczny duet twórców gier z Holandii. Po ponad 7 latach przyjaźni, wielu małych grach i projektach, udało im się stworzyć pierwszą, wspólną dużą grę. Inspirację czerpali z produkcji takich jak Animal Crossing i Viva Pinata, książek jak Muminki i Smerfy oraz wspólnej radości z natury i dobroci!



Garden Buddies, the cozy horticulture simulator that teaches about mental health is available now on Steam and Nintendo Switch

From RedDeer.games, a top developer and publisher of indie games for Nintendo Switch, comes a shiny new adventure where players will furnish their own green and flowery garden. Garden Buddies is available now on Nintendo Switch and Steam in all its adorable glory, ready to soothe all troubles of the mind in its own way. 

Watch the release trailer of Garden Buddies

Garden Buddies lets players drift into a unique world filled with tiny plant and animal companions. The players step into their own gardens – which act not only as a place of beauty, but also as an asylum from worries that often take root in the mind.

As the game’s relaxing storyline unveils, there will be more creatures to meet, more decorations to discover, and more ways to find inner peace.

The first buddy the players meet is Mutsy – a little apple-looking creature with stubby legs. He is there at all times to help, to guide, and to introduce players to the tools at their disposal. Creating a perfect retreat is one thing – the true treasure is the friends players find along the way.

Garden Buddies introduces a roster of adorable companions and with them many charming minigames all about the issues they face. Helping them will let players gain their trust and forge unforgettable friendships, on top of receiving more things to decorate with.

As the hustle and bustle of everyday life fades into the background, Garden Buddies is there to fill cozy evenings with relaxing fun.

Players will encounter moments of peace that will teach them breathing and grounding techniques to ease their anxiety. With these pointers, dealing with stress will be much less of a challenge, no matter the situation.

As this fairy tale world comes to life on the players’ devices, their inner peace can also grow into a garden – maybe with a help of a cute, little buddy!

Garden Buddies is available now on Steam and the Nintendo Switch console. 

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For more information, contact the PR representative: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. In recent years RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. At the moment RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


GardenBuddies is developed by Tim Buhrs and Jordy de Waal AKA JamPics, a dynamic game development duo from the Netherlands. After over 7 years of friendship and a large amount of small games and projects, the duo has finally created their first large game! Inspired by games like Animal Crossing and Viva Pinata, books like Moomins and Smurfs and a shared joy for nature and kindness!



Krwawa, cyberpunkowa strzelanka w stylu retro – Project Downfall – ukaże się na konsolach Nintendo Switch

RedDeer.Games, niezależny deweloper i wydawca gier, ogłosił, że Project Downfall, stworzony przez MGP Studios i Solid9, trafi na konsole Nintendo Switch. Ta ekstremalna wizja alternatywnej przyszłości będzie dostępna dla konsolowych graczy jeszcze w tym roku.

,,Project Downfall […] jest jak Hotline Miami FPS” – Rock Paper Shotgun

Obejrzyj Zapowiedź Project Downfall

Project Downfall – brutalnej, przepełnionej akcją strzelance osadzonej w alternatywnej wersji historii, znajdziesz się w centrum nowego porządku świata. Przygotuj się na prawdziwie hardcorową walkę semi-tactical, w pikselartowej oprawie retro zręcznościówek, ale w nowoczesnej odsłonie.

Jesteś bezwzględnym, okrutnym „bohaterem” i pozostawiasz po sobie tylko krwawą miazgę. 

Użyj supermocy, bezlitosnej siły, rozmaitych broni, używek i ultraszybkiej zręczności, aby oczyścić miasto ze wszystkiego i wszystkich, którzy są źli i plugawi. Z wieloma wyborami i konsekwencjami, akcja będzie gwałtowna, dzika i zaciekła, nie bez wpływu na twoje ciało i psychikę. 

Ale wszystko to dla wyższego dobra…

Aby pokonać wrogów prawa i porządku, będziesz zmuszony wykorzystać wszystkie dostępne w arsenale zasoby: supermoce, ulepszenia, zwiększone dawki medykamentów, wszystko, co da ci przewagę.

Liczy się refleks, szybkość działania i świadomość otoczenia. Pamiętaj –  nie istnieje możliwość regeneracji zdrowia, ponadto zwracaj uwagę na system poczytalności –  daj z siebie wszystko.

Nie spiesz się, fabuła jest nieliniowa, z ogromną liczbą dodatkowych zdarzeń po drodze i aż 12 różnymi zakończeniami.

Ogólnoświatowe podziały uległy całkowitemu przekształceniu, a władzę przejęły dwa ogromne państwa-twory, reprezentujące zupełnie odmienne systemy polityczne – Stany Europejsko/Transatlantyckie i Federacja Noworosyjska.

Na granicy tych dwóch gigantów wyrosło pierwsze europejskie ,,wolne” mega-miasto – Crimson Tide – które podjęło próbę połączenia wartości obu stron i życia w równowadze.

Project Downfall zostaniesz wrzucony w sam środek potężnego molocha, jakim jest Crimson Tide. Tutaj rządy sprawują nie politycy, lecz korporacje – a im bogatsze, tym większa ich władza. Obywateli trzymają w szachu za pomocą przymusowych medykamentów. Ale oni oczywiście o tym nie wiedzą…

Wcielisz się w rolę szeregowego pracownika jednej z korporacji. Jako człowiek uprzywilejowany chcesz w zamian dać coś od siebie państwu. Dlatego jako samozwańczy bohater wyruszasz nocą, by oczyścić miasto ze wszystkiego, co zagraża jego spokojowi.

Key Features:

– Dynamiczna mieszanka akcji, przygodówki, cyberpunka, neonów i krwistej rozgrywki,
– Unikalne mechaniki walki (takie jak pigułki, superkick, slammer, adrenalinowy poślizg/skok i inne),
– Supermoce, w których kluczowy jest refleks, świadomość otoczenia i szybkie myślenie,
– Dzika oprawa graficzna w stylu retro,
– Nieliniowa fabuła z wieloma wyborami, możliwościami i dodatkowymi wydarzeniami, prowadząca do 12 różnych zakończeń, 
– System zdrowia psychicznego i brak regeneracji życia.

Project Downfall ukaże się na konsoli Nintendo Switch, a dodatkowe informacje dotyczące produkcji i daty premiery zostaną podane w późniejszym terminie. Gra jest obecnie dostępna na platformie Steam.


Więcej ekscytujących informacji dotyczących gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games można znaleźć na oficjalnej stronieFacebooku oraz Twitterze.

Bezpośredni kontakt z działem PR: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na licencjach takich jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.


O MGP Studios i Solid9
MGP Studios to zespół utalentowanych i zaangażowanych osób, które dążą do dominacji nad światem, opracowując i zapewniając po drodze niezapomniane wrażenia.
Solid9 to ambitne studio tworzące gry, którego właścicielami są Sebastian Sztangierski i Dawid Członka. Ich celem jest tworzenie gier, w których można zauroczyć i zatracić się na długie godziny. Czerpiąc z bogatego dziedzictwa klasyków elektronicznej rozrywki, Solid9 przeciera szlaki dla zupełnie nowych rozwiązań technologicznych, które zapewnią rozrywkę w lepszy i bardziej angażujący sposób.



Ferocious retro-style cyberpunk shooter – Project Downfall – will be released on Nintendo Switch consoles

RedDeer.Games, an independent game developer, and publisher, officially announced that Project Downfall, created by MGP Studios and Solid9,will be coming to Nintendo Switch consoles. The extreme vision of an alternate future will be available for Nintendo Switch players to experience later this year.

“Project Downfall […] is like a Hotline Miami FPS” – Rock Paper Shotgun

Watch the Teaser Trailer of Project Downfall

Get ready for a truly hardcore semi-tactical combat in the graphic style of the old arcade games, but with a modern effect. In Project Downfall – violent, action-packed shooter set in an alternate history, you will find yourself at the center of a new world order. 

You are a ruthless, brutal „hero” and you will leave behind only a bloody pulp. 

Use superpowers, ruthless strength, a variety of weapons, stimulants and ultra-fast dexterity to cleanse the city of everything and everyone that is evil and filthy. With multiple choices and consequences, action will be swift, violent and vicious, not without impact on your body and psyche. 

But all for the greater good…

To overcome all enemies of law and order you will need to use everything in your arsenal: superpowers, upgrades, medkits in increased doses, anything that gives you an edge.

Reflexes, quick action and environmental awareness count here. Remember – there is no possibility of regeneration of health, in addition, you also have to pay attention to the system of sanity – so you have to give it your all.

Take your time, the plot is non-linear, with a huge number of additional events along the way and as many as 12 different endings.

The world’s divisions have completely shifted, with two mega-states wielding power with completely different political systems – the EU/Transatlantic States and Novorussian Federation.

On the border of the two giants, grew the first European „free” mega-city – Crimson Tide – which made an approach to combine the values of the two states and live in balance.

In Project Downfall you will be thrown into the middle of the mega-creation which is the Crimson Tide. Here, the rule is exercised not by politicians, but by corporations – the richer the greater their power. And here citizens are kept in check with coercive medications. But they obviously don’t know about it….

You will take on the role of a subordinate employee of one of the corporations.
Being a privileged man, you want to give something from yourself to the state. Thus, as a self-proclaimed hero, you go out at night to cleanse the city of anything that threatens its peace.

Key Features:
– Dynamic mix of action, adventure, cyberpunk, neons and blood,
– Unique combat mechanics (such as pills, superkick, slammer, adrenaline slide/ jump and more),
– Superpowers where reflexes, environmental awareness and quick thinking are crucial,
– Retro-styled, savage visuals,
– Non-linear, multi-choice plot with many additional events and possibilities, with 12 different endings, 
– Sanity system and no health regeneration. 

Project Downfall will be released on the Nintendo Switch console, and additional information regarding production and premiere date will be announced at a later date. The game is currently available on Steam

For more exciting news regarding RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official websiteFacebook and Twitter.

Direct contact with PR Team: lucy@reddeer.games





RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top 50 Polish game producers. Recently, RedDeer.Games released titles like PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match, and Bit Orchard. Currently, RedDeer.Games is working on games from licenses such as The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, and many others.


About MGP Studios and Solid9
MGP Studios is a talented and focused group of individuals set for world domination, developing and providing memorable experiences along the way.
Solid9 is an ambitious game development studio owned by Sebastian Sztangierski and Dawid Członka. Their  goal is to create games in which you can immerse yourself for long hours and fall in love with. Drawing from the rich heritage of the electronic entertainment’s classics, Solid9 paves the way for completely new technological solutions that will entertain you in a better and more engaging way.



Cyber Protocol dostępny na iOS – RedDeer.Games wchodzi na nową platformę z pierwszą grą mobilną

RedDeer.Games, deweloper i wydawca, specjalizujący się w grach na konsole Nintendo Switch, wydał swoją pierwszą grę w Apple App Store – robiąc pierwszy krok w ekspansji na rynek gier mobilnych. Tym samym jeden z największych hitów studia – Cyber Protocol jest już dostępny na iOS.

Cyber Protocol to  gra zręcznościowa, wielokrotnie nagradzana i jedna z najtrudniejszych pozycji tego typu w historii. Mocna i dynamiczna rozgrywka zawiera 100 poziomów, opakowanych różnymi zagadkami i wyzwaniami, z którymi gracze będą mieli możliwość się zmierzyć. Cyber Protocol  jest osadzony w cyberpunkowym świecie z oszałamiającą synthwave’ową ścieżką dźwiękową.

– Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy, że nadszedł czas, w którym możemy ogłosić naszą ekspansję na nowe medium, jakim jest rynek gier mobilnych. Dla mnie, jako twórcy Cyber Protocol, jak i całego zespołu RedDeer.Games jest to istotne wydarzenie, które przybliży tytuł szerszej, mobilnej publiczności – mówi Dominik Czarniga, twórca Cyber Protocol i współzałożyciel RedDeer.Games.

Cyber Protocol jest dostępny od dzisiaj globalnie dla użytkowników smartfonów z systemem iOS. Gra jest dostępna w App Store w cenie 22,99 PLN.

Cyber Protocol jest również dostępny na platformie Steam oraz konsolach Nintendo Switch i XBOX.

Więcej informacji dotyczących gier wydawanych przez RedDeer.Games można znaleźć na oficjalnej stronieFacebooku oraz Twitterze.

Zapraszamy do bezpośredniego kontaktu: lucy@reddeer.games




RedDeer.Games (RDG) jest niezależnym producentem i wydawcą gier wideo. Nagrodzony w kategorii „Najszybciej rozwijająca się firma Gamedev w Europie Środkowej”. Według „Forbesa” RDG znajduje się w Top50 polskich producentów gier. W ostatnich latach RedDeer.Games wydał takie tytuły jak: PID, Fluffy Horde, Cat Tales, AAA Clock 2, Space Tail, She Wants Me Dead, Reky, Broken Universe, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Pro Gymnast Simulator, EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match oraz Bit Orchard. Obecnie RedDeer.Games pracuje nad grami opartymi na takich licencjach jak Smerfy, Lucky Luke i wiele innych.



Cyber Protocol hitting iOS – RedDeer.Games enters new platform and announces first mobile game in portfolio

RedDeer.Games, a developer and publisher of games, specializing in Nintendo Switch projects, released their first game on the Apple App Store – taking the first step in the expansion into the mobile games market. This way, one of the biggest hits of the studio – Cyber Protocol is now available on iOS.

Cyber Protocol is a highly awarded, the hardest game in history arcade puzzle game, set in a Cyberpunk scenario with strong and dynamic gameplay. Players will face 100 levels with various puzzles and challenges, soothing themselves with a stunning synth-wave soundtrack.

–I’m very excited that we can finally announce our expansion into a new medium which is mobile gaming. As the creator of Cyber Protocol, this is an important event for me, as for all RedDeer.Games Team – in bringing the title to a wider, mobile audience – says Dominik Czarniga, creator of Cyber Protocol and co-founder of RedDeer.Games.

Cyber Protocol is available on iOS starting today, and it’s accessible worldwide at a price of $4.99 on the App Store.

Cyber Protocol is already available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, and XBOX.

If you want to be up-to-date with RedDeer.Games projects, visit the official website, Facebook and Twitter.

For more information, you can contact: lucy@reddeer.games


EU version
US version
XBOX version


RedDeer.Games (RDG) is an independent video game developer and publisher. Awarded in the “Fastest Growing Gamedev Company in Central Europe” category. RDG is according to “Forbes” ranked among the Top50 Polish game producers.



GRIS meets Limbo in a beautiful platformer To Leave (Switch, Xbox). Release date and NEW cinematic trailer revealed

To Leave, a challenging puzzle platformer is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox this Friday, September 9, thanks to RedDeer.Games.

The game is often compared to Child Of Light, GRIS, Limbo, Spiritfarer and Omori. You play as Harm – a boy struggling with bipolar disorder – manic-depression. A brand new cinematic trailer has just been released.


Harm comes into possession of a unique magical door, thanks to which he moves to another world – Dark Void. There he learns that he is able to help other people’s souls get to heaven. And he will do everything to achieve this goal.

Travel to another world using the doors, but be careful they are very fragile! Feel the weight of depression with a mix of gameplay and immersive story.

Discover hidden symbols, challenge yourself, solve secrets and learn the truth about Harm.

– Hand-drawn backgrounds
– Emotional, captivating story
– Unique travel mechanics
– 80 levels
– Incredible music track

For Estefano Patricio Palacios Topic (1989 – 2021)
Estefano or “Esteto” as his family lovingly called him on 03.10.1989, in Guayaquil, Ecuador. He was an intelligent, curious and restless boy, with the desire to create games. He learned how games were made, and became fascinated by the wide possibilities of technology.

His drive infected the people around him. He managed to convince teachers to deliver video games instead of class projects throughout high school and his studies. Until he realised that teaching wasn’t giving him what he was trying to achieve, so he started his own game company.

He created Freaky Creations with his school friend, the first video game studio in Ecuador. After he led a bunch of demo projects, he came up with the idea for To Leave

He created it from scratch, with shared ideals and his vision of caring for the player’s experience throughout every decision made for the game, its mechanics, the story and aesthetics.


Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock.


Freaky Creations is a game development studio based in Guayaquil, Ecuador that wishes to create digital talismans that will transport players to enlightening experiences.

To Leave, their first game is an ambitious title that looks to explore a variety of mental illnesses.


Stunning, inspiring puzzle-platformer that blurs genre boundaries.

To Leave is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox

To Leave is a unique adventure game, set in a fascinating world. There is only one goal. Help a suffering boy known as Harm, in overcoming his past. 

To Leave is the last work of one of its authors, Freaky Creations’ creative director, Estefano Palacios who passed away last year. 

In the memory of Estefano Palacios
Estefano Palacios started programming video games at the age of 14. It was then that he met his longtime colleague Jorge Blacio (Freaky Creations’ current producer) with whom he made his first game project World of Mathematica.

The need to create games was so strong in him that he gave up his computer studies in the last year, and together with Jorge founded Freaky Creations.

The studio’s largest project to date, To Leave, which has exceeded the expectations of its creators, is also a life project of Estefano. Console releases are dedicated to him.


To Leave features challenging puzzle-platformer levels that will test your puzzle-solving skills through an emotionally gripping story.

Soar through over 80 gorgeously designed maps by using Harm’s „flying door”. It’s your pathway and only means of transport. Remember! They are very fragile and need to be treated with utmost care.

Travel through the Dark Void. Discover hidden meanings and symbolism weaved into the gameplay. Challenge yourself and understand the heartbreaking truth about Harm.

-Hand-drawn backgrounds
-Captivating story
-Unique travel mechanics
-80 levels
-Incredible music track


Nintendo Switch EU version
Nintendo Switch US version
XBOX version


RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Freaky Creations is a game development studio based in Guayaquil, Ecuador that wishes to create digital talismans that will transport players to enlightening experiences.

To Leave, their first game is an ambitious title that looks to explore a variety of mental illnesses.



Let yourself be drawn into this crazy, sticky, retro world! 

Gum+ is available for Nintendo Switch TODAY!

RedDeer.Games has just released another thrilling retro game, in the good old style!

Gum+ is a captivating adventure of a cute blob with adhesive properties. A level-by-level increase in difficulty and challenging puzzles await you.

Watch the trailer NOW: https://youtu.be/toQ9HYVLvTo

A vast, dark and hostile world stretches around the corner. Full of dangers, obstacles, puzzles, and difficulties to solve. What about you? You’re just a sticky little blob. But what a very special blog!

A vain and arrogant wizard magically animated you to act as his slave. But you know you were made for a greater purpose. Use all your sticky skills: push and slide blocks to avoid obstacles, solve puzzles, and complete levels.

And you have a lot of them ahead of you!

Remember, obstacles will get harder on each level. Don’t worry about making mistakes though. You can always backtrack or start the level all over again.

Complete levels with as few steps as possible, only then you will receive trophies with access to new worlds.

Great music will draw you even more into the sticky world. You know, without such, adventure is never good enough :D.

If you get tired of the original 76 levels of Gum+, try out the built-in level editor. Make your own challenges and share them with your friends.

– Lots of clever puzzles
– Single-player story-mode
– Full-featured level editor
– 33 original soundtracks
– Retro graphics

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on Gum+ please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

He is a professional SW developer by day, game maker, and music composer by night. He likes strategy and puzzle games that give you big problems but allow logical deductions to reduce the problem size until it is manageable. Always brainstorming and prototyping puzzle game ideas, and the sticky mechanic in GUM+ was an idea that immediately seemed like it needed lots of exploration.



Avoid traps, solve puzzles, discover secrets, overcome obstacles, explore the world, and all this by… sticking to everything!

Gum+ is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox!

RedDeer.Games announces that something extremely sticky is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox later this year! 

A new game in their portfolio – Gum+ will make players unable to break away from it… as if they cling to it!

Gum+ is a captivating story of an animated magical blob and his journey through a not-so-friendly, huge world full of puzzles and, of course, traps.

Watch the new trailer NOW: https://youtu.be/toQ9HYVLvTo

Enjoy the thrill of solving difficult puzzles and save the world at the same time. Avoid pitfalls, bombs, spikes, and crumbling floors. Set off on a mind-bending journey.

A blob of magical gum needs your help. Solve any puzzle standing in his way. Push and pull blocks to make it to the next staircase in one piece.

The traps you encounter will be deadly. Don’t worry about making mistakes though. You can always backtrack or start the level all over again.

Earn trophies that will help you unlock new worlds. To get them you need to complete levels, with as few moves as possible. There are plenty of secrets to discover so make sure, to pay close attention.

A great puzzle wouldn’t be as impactful without a great soundtrack. Enjoy all of the 33 unique music tracks that will accompany you throughout this journey.

If you get tired of the original 76 levels of Gum+, try out the built-in level editor. Make your own challenges and share them with your friends.

– Lots of clever puzzles
– Single-player story-mode
– Full-featured level editor
– 33 original soundtracks
– Retro graphics

The Press kit (screenshots, arts, etc.) is available for download HERE.

EU version
US version

For more information on Gum+ please visit the official RedDeer.Games Twitter account, RedDeer.Games official Facebook fanpage,  RedDeer.Games official Discord Server, and RedDeer.Games website.

RedDeer.Games is an award-winning global gaming company that focuses on developing and publishing unique indie games.

We aim to create accessible games, easily distinguishable by their original art style. Our main goal, however, is for them to be FUN!

In recent years we released Cyber Protocol, Clumsy Rush, Art Sqool, Nirvana Pilot Yume, Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, Circa Infinity, Detective Di, Trash Quest, Syndrome, Inukari, and AAA Clock. 

Check out reddeer.games to learn more.

He is a professional SW developer by day, game maker, and music composer by night. He likes strategy and puzzle games that give you big problems but allow logical deductions to reduce the problem size until it is manageable. Always brainstorming and prototyping puzzle game ideas, and the sticky mechanic in GUM+ was an idea that immediately seemed like it needed lots of exploration.